Social media can be used by all walks of life, including college students. Many college students often use social media for a long time, causing these college students to be lazy to study. This stu…
The calculation of pension fund assets needs to be done to see whether there is a loss in pension funding or not. This study aims to see the influence of vasicek interest rate assumptions in the ca…
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a deep learning method that has many layers and requires large data. However, image data sizes that are too large can affect computational performance due to l…
Brain tumors can be identified by performing image segmentation using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data. The number of three-dimensional (3D) MRI image…
This study aims t0 f0rmulate the C-RAN m0del with a selfish user network by adding an exponential utility function with 3 financing schemes and analyzing the resu1ts to obtain the optimal solution.…
HIV / AIDS is one of the most dangerous diseases because it can damage the immune system in humans. In 2021, there were 42,652 HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia, based on the number of HIV/AIDS cases in …
The nucleus is an important element in cervical cells that will undergo significant changes if someone is exposed to cervical cancer. Early detection of cervical cancer can be done using pap smear …
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company or provider that provides consumers with access to the internet and other online media. The improved internet incentive model aims to maximize ISP incen…
The research about critical thinking ability of students in PISA-like mathematics with the Palembang tourism context, there are several studies that use the palembang tourism context, but none have…
Cluster analysis is a method used to group objects based on similarities in their characteristics. Cluster analysis using the hierarchy method is a method with a gradual or multilevel grouping proc…
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengkategorikan capaian kompetensi Pemodelan Matematika siswa SMP Negeri 12 Palembang. Subjek dal…
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