Background: Differences of Sex Development (DSD) refers to individuals with differences in their biological sexual characteristics that are not common and cannot be categorized as male or female. I…
This research is entitled "Social Construction of Verbal Sexual Harassment (Catcalling) in Students Performing Verbal Sexual Harassment (Catcalling) at Sriwijaya University". The research problem d…
Sexual education is still often considered taboo in Indonesian society. In terms of reproductive health, the behavior of wanting to try in the sexual field is very vulnerable because it can result …
Premarital sex was a problem that occurs in all countries in the world including Indonesia, which is the target of sex crimes, namely adolescents. Prevention of premarital sex is very important to …
The research discussed the public relations strategy of Sriwijaya University in carrying out the restoration of images related to cases of sexual harassment that occurred in the campus environment.…
Masa remaja merupakan masa pertumbuhan yang mempengaruhi terjadinya perubahan perkembangan fisik, intelektual dan psikologis yang disertai dengan pematangan seksual sehingga daya tarik seksual terh…
Premarital sex is a problem that adolescents about should know. Adolescents' curiosity about sex causes the risk of having premarital sex. Health education in adolescents to prevent having premarit…
Premarital sex is sexual behavior involves physical touch between a woman and a man who has reached the stage of intercourse before the existence of a legal bond. Adolescents have a high sense of c…