Based on the most potential source of local revenue and giving the biggest input to the regional treasury are regional taxes and fees. one of the regional levy levies based on the regulation of the…
This thesis has a research background on a lack of transparency in the distribution of Village Fund Cash Direct Assistance in Merah Mata Village for the 2021 fiscal year. The purpose of this study …
The title of this research is "Local Government Financial Performance at the Bekasi City Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency in 2017-2020". A tool to measure the financial performance of…
This study aims to determine the transparency of budget funds in the office of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) South Sumatra. The researcher uses the theory by Christian (2006:73). Transp…
Article 73 paragraph (2) of Regulation Number 6 of 2014 concerning Village Administration stipulates that the village head submits a draft village income and expenditure budget (RAPBDes), and it is…
This study was aimed at finding out the influence of regional government revenues and expenditure on the poverty in Palembang. The data were secondary ones, namely the time series data from the yea…