Endometriosis adalah kelainan ginekologi yang bersifat kronis yang ditandai dengan adanya pertumbuhan kelenjar dan stroma endometrium ektopik di luar kavum uterus, dan memicu reaksi peradangan mena…
Preeklampsia menyebabkan morbiditas dan mortalitas maternal dan neonatus bermakna. Sel darah merah berinti (nucleated red blood cells (NRBC)) umumnya terdapat pada darah bayi baru lahir. Adanya NRB…
Ibadah haji yang memerlukan waktu sekitar 40 hari dapat menjadi permasalahan bagi wanita muslim karena haid yang memiliki siklus rata-rata 21-35 hari tidak dapat dihindari oleh setiap wanita normal…
Background: Premature rupture of membrane (PROM) is the condition of rupture of the fetal membrane prior to the onset of labor. PROM is one of the most common of obstetrical complications. It cause…
Background: premature rupture of Membranes (PROM) is rupture of the membranes prior to any signs of labor. KPD is one of the causes of neonatal asphyxia and infections that can improve perinatal mo…
Preeclampsia is a complicating factor of pregnancy and it's considered as onc of the most causes for maternal even perinatal mortality and mordibitv. Besides its bad effect for maternal and perinat…
Background: In line by caesarean section rate uprising, maternal mortality rate wiII also increase. Emergency cesarean section has the highest maternal mortality rate compared to elective cesarean …