Geopolymer concrete is the latest innovative concrete that is environmentally friendly and has many advantages. Geopolymer concrete can replace ordinary portland cement with industrial waste produc…
Buku ini merupakan buku tentang dasar- dasar pengolahan sinyal digital. Pengolahan sinyal digital telah banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti teknik pengenalan suara, kompresi sinyal ( d…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kemampuan numerasi siswa setelah melalui implementasi bahan ajar matematika berbasis Problem Based Learning, aktivitas siswa terhadap keterlaksanaan pembe…
The heart is a human organ that plays a role in the circulatory system. Heart disease is a condition in which the heart is unable to perform its duties properly. Heart disease is the number one lea…
The tracer study is a survey whose main object of research is graduates. One of the aims of the tracer study is to evaluate the competitiveness of graduates on the relevance of competence to the ne…
Extended Cox Model is one of modified models used to overcome non proportional hazard on Cox Proportional Hazard model. This research purpose is to estimate the parameter of Extended Cox Regression…
South Sumatra Province has a poverty rate above the national poverty level, so poverty alleviation measures are needed, such as analyzing the factors that influence poverty. This study aims, firstl…
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the main parts of cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessel disease), and is the number one cause of death in the world. Several factors influence CHD, i…
The heart is a human organ that plays a role in the circulatory system. Heart disease is a condition in which the heart cannot do its job properly. Heart disease is a disease that plays a major rol…
Dinding panel yang terbuat dari beton sekarang telah banyak digunakan dalam konstruksi bangunan. Dalam hal ini berat jenis beton sebagai material pembentuk dinding diusahakan seminimal mungkin agar…
Indonesia saat ini sering mengalami bencana alam seperti gempa bumi. Jika terjadi gempa bumi, kolom-kolom di pinggir bangunan akan menerima beban lebih banyak. Kolom dapat dikatakan sebagai elemen …
Wilayah pesisir membutuhkan kawasan pelabuhan untuk menunjang aktivitas manusia. Salah satu wilayah di Kabupaten Banyuasin yang akan dilakukan pembangunan pelabuhan adalah wilayah Tanjung Carat, se…