This research aims to determine the influence of GDP Growth, Inflation Rate, Exchange Rate and World Oil Prices in the short and long term on Indonesian Government Bond Yield Movements. The analysi…
Digitalization in payment systems in Emerging markets not only provides solutions to constraints on access to financial services, but is also a key driver for economic and social development. To be…
This research aims to explore the impact of interest rates, exchange rates, inflation, and population growth on financial depth in the context of BRICS countries. Secondary data in the form of cros…
The widespread outbreak of Covid-19 that occurred a few years ago resulted in shocks to various sectors, including the global economy and Indonesia. This led to numerous obstacles affecting economi…
This research aims to test and determine the effectiveness of foreign exchange reserves, financial deepening, and economic growth on exchange rate stability inIndonesia. This research uses an econo…
Exchange rate volatility is a currency fluctuation that is influenced by the supply and demand for a country's currency. This research aims to analyze the influence of macroeconomic variables on th…
The digitalization of Finance has paved the way for fundamental changes in people's access and participation in financial services, with the potential to significantly expand financial inclusion.Th…
The Financial Globalization Index is a composite of a country's domestic financial system with external financial markets and institutions. The relationship between the Financial Globalization Inde…
This research aims to analyze the effect of financial inclusion on financial system stability in BRICS countries. The data used in this research is secondary data in the form of panel data for the …
Macroeconomic stability is considered to be one of the most important parts of the country's economic system because economic stability shows the extent to which economic activity can generate addi…
This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the profitability of large banks in Indonesia. This research uses secondary data in the form of panel data for the quarterly period Q1 2018 …
This study aims to determine the effect of Non Performing Loans (NPL), Net Interest Margin (NIM), and Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) on Return On Equity Banks (ROE) in ASEAN countries. Secondary data…
This research aims to determine the influence of the BI Rate, World Gold Prices, and the Global Stock Index (Dow Jones Index) on the LQ-45 Stock Index. Secondary data is used in the form of a time …
Poverty is still a major problem in the economy of both developing and developed countries. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of minimum wages, human development index, and unemp…
Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara investasi asing, suku bunga terhadap harga saham sektor properti pada 3 negara kawasanASEAN yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Filipina. Penelitian ini dilak…
This study examines and analyzes the influence of institutional factors and monetary policy on financial deepening in ASEAN. This study uses secondary data sourced from the World Governance Indicat…
The emergence of peer to peer lending as a loan-based financial service platform that operates online raises concerns about the sustainability of banks, especially commercial banks and rural banks …
In early 2022, China drew attention to the successful implementation of its central bank digital currency named e-CNY in domestic and cross-border pilot programs. The Chinese government has banned …
This study analyzes the impact of Loan to Value (LTV) policy along with macroeconomic variables such as Inflation, GDP, and Consumer Loan Interest Rates on the demand for Housing Loans (KPR) in Ind…
This research aims to know influence of BI Rate, exchange rate and world oil prices on the stock price index. The data used in this study is secondary data in 2017-2021 monthly data. The analyzed u…
Judul skripsi “Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pemilu Dalam Praktik Money Politic (Studi Putusan : Nomor 155/Pid.Sus/2019/Pn.Psp).” Permasalahan dalam skripsi ini dituan…
This study empirically analyzes the influence of interest rates, exchange rates, and foreign direct investment on financial stability (bank z-score) in Indonesia. The study utilizes secondary data …
This study aims to analyze the effect of money supply, exchange rates and world oil prices on inflation in ASEAN. The data used in this study is panel data consisting of cross section and time seri…
Exchange rate volatility can create turbulence in the economy. An understanding of the determinants of exchange rate volatility provides valuable insight into macroeconomic stabilization issues. Th…
As time goes by, property credit continue to show a positive trend. This condition is feared to lead to credit risk. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that can affect property pri…
The central bank interest rate as one of the operational objectives of monetary policy reflects the inflation targeting framework. This is due to the increasing importance of the role of PUAB in ma…
Foreign Direct Investment berperan penting bagi perekonomian di suatu negara yang menjadi sumber aliran modal yang stabil. Aliran modal investasi asing langsung dipengaruhi oleh faktor ketidakpasti…
Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh competition bank terhadap credit risk pada dual banking system di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive Sampling dalam memilih sampel 5 Ba…
This study discusses the linkage of legal and institutional developments as well as financial openness to the degree of the cryptocurrency development market. The increasingly rapid development of …