Work Exhaustion is a condition when a body can no longer do any work caused by light, moderate or heavy physical activities carried out in either a working environment or outside of work. A job wit…
Penelitian mengenai analisis hubungan pembelajaran daring dengan minat belajar mahasiswa Pendidikan fisika pada mata kuliah matematika dasar telah selesai dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa pendidikan Fis…
This study aims to find out effectiveness of online learning using whatsapp communication media in practie, this research was carried out by giving two test question to students, namely pretest and…
The purpose of the research was to determine the correlation of application of online learning system toward student learning independence at mechanical engineering education of Sriwijaya Universit…
This study aims to find out what and how much learning difficulties are experienced by students in the online learning process in the CAD/CAM Practice course at the Mechanical Engineering Education…
This study aims to test the theory of learning methods with the support of Skinner's theory by relating learning outcomes so that it can be seen how much influence learning methods in online learni…
This study aims to determine the comparison of the learning outcomes of class VIII students in Civics subjects through online learning with offline learning at Tri Dharma Junior High School Palemba…
This study aims to analyze the performance of students in attending lectures and know the results of learning obtained by students of semester III. in the courses of media and technology of online …