Permintaan akan pemanggangan yang efisien dan berkualitas tinggi sangat penting untuk kemplang, makanan tradisional yang populer dan banyak dinikmati sebagai hidangan tradisional yang disukai. Aspe…
Pada zaman dimana teknologi terus berkembang, penggunaan robot, terutama robot lengan, Robot lengan merupakan robot yang memiliki fungsi umum memindahkan barang dari satu tempat ke tempat yang lain…
Pipa sering digunakan dalam berbagai industri, komersial, dan rumah tangga untuk mengalirkan cairan. Untuk mencapai tingkat produksi yang efisien dan biaya produksi yang rendah, penting untuk mengo…
Oil production in Indonesia continues to experience a decline in production every year, while the amount of consumption is increasing every year due to the ever-increasing number of vehicles which …
Energi matahari merupakan salah satu energi terbarukan yang memiliki potensi yang besar, ramah lingkungan, dan berkelanjutan. Radiasi yang dipancarkan matahari dapat dikonversikan menjadi energi li…
Salah satu cara melakukan pola hidup hemat energi adalah dengan melakukan konservasi energi yang salah satu jenisnya adalah audit energi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan audit energi yaitu proses yan…
Industrial technology develops rapidly from time to time. Discussing technology, metal is very important, almost all human needs cannot be separated from metal elements. One type of metal is alumin…
The aim of this research is to design and implement a 3-DOF robot arm for automatic plant watering based on Arduino UNO, to determine the success rate of the robot watering, and the time required f…
Advancements in robotics technology have greatly influenced medical progress, with robots in the medical field aiding patient transport during the triage process. Triage used in Emergency Departmen…
Quality Assurance is a term that refers to an evaluation process that includes monitoring and guaranteeing the quality of something, one of which is Recognition of Past Learning (RPL). In this case…
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is a study path that has been regulated in Permenristekdikti No. 26 of 2016, where RPL is recognition of one's learning achievements obtained from formal, non-fo…
Karya tulis ini menyajikan analisis energi dan eksergi untuk menginvestigasi peluang peningkatan kinerja Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi Lumut Balai Sumatera Selatan yang saat ini merupakan si…
This paper presents an experimental study of forced convection heat transfer of water flow in a pipe with semi-circular grooves oriented towards the inside of the pipe. Heat is supplied through a h…
Kualitas permukaan merupakan faktor penting dalam evaluasi produktivitas pahat mesin, oleh karena itu, penting untuk mencapai toleransi dan penyelesaian permukaan yang konsisten. selain itu juga da…
This paper presents an experimental study of forced convection heat transfer of water flow in a pipe with semi-circular grooves oriented towards the inside of the pipe. Heat is supplied through a h…
This paper presents an experimental study of forced convection heat transfer of water flow in a pipe with semi-circular grooves oriented towards the inside of the pipe. Heat is supplied through a h…
The condition of agricultural land in Indonesia is decreasing every day considering that agriculture is one of the important sectors for Indonesian people. To overcome this, the agricultural sector…
Sugih Waras village is one of rice producer at districts muara sugihan, with village area about 1250 ha. With rice production one time per year (IP 100), this caused by sedimentation and wild plant…
The main problem to increase the crop index (IP) and productivity of rice fields is the difficulty of meeting the needs of sufficient water in rice fields throughout the year. In the dry season pad…
Lightweight concrete is one of the innovations in concrete materials by modifying its density or specific gravity to be lower than conventional concrete. Lightweight concrete can have an impact on …
Kendaraan dinilai memiliki peran penting terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu wilayah. Oleh karena itu, upaya dalam pengembangan industri kendaraan terus dilakukan seperti dengan meningkatkan kinerja…
In the modern era as it is today, the advancement of technology is growing rapidly, these technological advances are no longer just in the electronics field. Along with the development of science, …
Radiator merupakan alat heat exchanger yang terdapat pada kendaraan yang digunakan untuk mendinginkan fluida pendingin (coolant) yang berfungsi sebagai penyerap panas yang berasal dari mesin untuk …
Konveksi merupakan proses perpindahan energi kerja gabungan antara konduksi panas, penyimpanan energi, dan gerakan mencampur. Konveksi yang disebabkan oleh suatu alat dari luar seperti pompa sebaga…
Peningkatan penggunaan plastik berdampak pada jumlah sampah plastik yang semakin banyak. Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan menyampaikan jumlah sampah yang tertimbun di Indonesia mencapai 17…
Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller development board based on the ATmega328P chip. Robots are mechanical devices capable of performing physical tasks, and automated devices whose systems are embed…
Plastic is something that cannot be separated from humans because the existence of plastic is very young to be found in everyday life. The existence of plastic waste is always increasing. An altern…
The use of fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal is increasingly reduced role both in the world and in Indonesia, this is due to fossil fuel is a source of energy that can not be renewed so that …