As technology develops, energy needs will increase, therefore there is a need for innovation in energy use, namely by utilizing alternative energy, namely solar energy. In solar power plants, the m…
Kebutuhan energi meningkat karena perkembangan teknologi. Energi listrik dari pembangkit listrik menjadi kebutuhan utama di Indonesia, tetapi masih banyak menggunakan bahan bakar fosil. Data Kement…
Telah berhasil dikembangkan modul pengamatan matahari pada mata kuliah IPBA berbasis PjBL untuk mahasiswa pendidikan fisika yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Row…
Solar energy has a very abundant amount and is friendly to the environment. Therefore, all living things use the sun as a source of life. However, conventional energy that is still widely used as a…
Photovoltaic is a tool for converting solar energy into electrical energy that is pollution-free and environmentally friendly, so it is very necessary to carry out further research in developing re…
Renewable energy sources are environmentally friendly alternative energy sources to replace fossil energy. One of the new renewable energy sources is a solar power plant that converts solar energy …
Several climatological factors can affect the efficiency produced by solar panels, one of which is the influence of air humidity in the environment. Air humidity is the concentration or content of …
This study examines and evaluates the performance of the Lumut Balai Muara Enim Geothermal Power Plant which operates in both design and off-design conditions. The method used in analyzing the ther…
Extraterrestrial solar radiation is solar radiation that occurs outside the earth's atmosphere. So that the intensity produced from the solar radiation will be different from the solar radiation th…
Electrical energy is one of the energy that is needed in life. In the current modernization era, the demand for electrical energy in Indonesia tends to increase. One of the uses of electricity that…
The sun is a source of energy that is closely related to human needs, where the energy can be obtained from heat that propagates to the earth's surface, or light that falls to the earth's surface. …
The use of conventional energy as a source of electrical energy has been widely used, but it can cause air pollution and adversely affect the environment. Solar energy is an alternative energy. Usi…
Pesatnya perkembangan penduduk di muka bumi ini tentunya akan diimbangi dengan penggunaan energi yang semakin banyak, termasuk energi listrik. Selama ini manusia bergantung pada penggunaan energi y…
Tissue discontinuity can cause wound or ulcer formation. A material that is polential to cure ulcer is sunflower seed oil. Sunflower seed oil contains litioleic acid and vitamin E which have roles …
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menguji alat pengering tipe rak dengan sumber energi matahari dan energi listrik pada pengeringan keripik nenas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Bengkel Pertanian, …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat alat penjejak panas matahari dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengoptimalkan alat-alat yang menggunakan energi panas matahari. …
The use of conventional energy as the electrical source energy has been widely used, but this energy can cause air polution and many bad effects for the environment. Sun energy is one of the altern…
Photovoltaic is a tool for converting solar energy into electricity that is pollution-free and environmentally friendly, so it is necessary to carry out further research in developing new / renewab…
Energi matahari merupakan salah satu sumber energi terbarukan yang paling banyak digunakan saat ini. Untuk mengubahnya menjadi energi listrik, energi matahari membutuhkan suatu alat yang disebut pa…
The role of electric motors is important for human life such as industrial and home fields, namely 3-phase motors, AC and DC Motors then BLDC Motors. This study aims to determine the capacity of 2 …
A research study that has been conducted at the Energy Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sriwijaya University. That is by designing a prototype au…
Water is one of the basic needs for every human being, the availability of water is a problem for humans. As a developing country, Indonesia has a large enough water consumption power in daily life…
The Solar Power Plant (PLTS) converts energy from sunlight (photons) into electrical energy through a photovoltaic process. The output power produced by solar panels is very dependent on the charac…
Every year the need for electrical energy continues to increase, and the use of non-renewable resources is not able to continue to be sufficient. Solar Power Plant is one of the renewable energy so…
This study aims to determine the effect of the hole diameter on cooling plate on output power for polycrystalline type solar panels. When the radiation increased, then the temperature of solar pane…