The tendency of people to use private vehicles compared to using public transportation can cause congestion in the city of Palembang. Therefore, it is necessary to visualize spatially in order to b…
Most CCTV systems are typically used for monitoring individuals captured on camera within a specific area under surveillance. In this study, we have developed an interface for CCTV monitoring using…
In developing applications, a good database is needed to store data from an application. Data availability and security must be guaranteed by the database developer. Users also need to know what th…
With the increasing human population cause a lot of usage the products made of plastic. Among to reduce the accumulation of plastic waste is by recycling plastic waste properly, one of which is by …
Object detection is required to prevent fire disaster. Object detection is a famous development in computer vision area. It’s because its ability that can differentiate between object in a natura…
Along with the development of information and communication technology systems, educational institutions in this case the Sriwijaya University Library to build a database as a place for storing and…
The development of technology in today's digitalization can make it easier for us to get what we want quickly and accurately. This research will focus on conducting a case study of book inventory r…
The use of database-based applications and the use of CIM (Computer Integrated Manufactured) theory by integrating the inventory of books contained in the reading room of the faculty of law and the…
Pada bagian awal pelajaran digital ini, akan dipelajari tentang sistem bilangan yang digunakan dalam pengoprasian suatu mesin digital. Sistem bilangan tersebut adalah sistem biner,oktal, desimal, d…
Dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, khususnya bidang komputer, ternyata manusia dapat merancang "mesin atau peralatan" yang dapat melakukan tugas yang seharusnya dikerjakan oleh manusia.
Materi pembahasan meliputi, sistem, bilangan, gerbang logika dan aljabar boole, minimisasi fungsi boole, minimisasi untuk rangkaian dengan keluaran lebih dari satu, metode petrick.
Digital signature is an authentication mechanism that allows the message maker to add a code that can act as a signature. The value of a digital signature is highly dependent on the original docume…
Penelitian ini bertujuan membuat purwarupa perancangan papan skor digital menggunakan Arduino berbasis nirkabel pada pertandingan bola voli. Penelitian ini menggunakan 7 segment dan LED Dot Matrix …
When recognized in an image or photo, it is easy for us as humans, but not with a computer. In order to recognize a human face, special treatment is needed so that when given an input image or phot…
The research in this final task report, which is how to design a face date application using CNN's Multi-Task method and compare it with the MobileNet-V3 method. Testing was conducted between CNN M…
In natural disasters, floods cannot be predicted by humans. However, technology can be used as a business instrument to help overcome human scarcity in the face of floods. So far, in urban areas th…
Congenital heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the first year of birth. One example of the challenges that exist in medical images, especially the fetal heart, is the poor image …
Indonesia menjadi negara yang paling banyak mengkonsumsi daya listrik, dengan berbagai jenis peralatan listrik yang digunakan di setiap perumahan dan industri. Untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan li…