Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji permasalahan penurunan hasil dari produksi padi pada saat musim tanam pertama (MT1), untuk mengkaji sistem pengelolaan air pada musim tanam pertama (MT1) ter…
The peat ecosystem is the arrangement of peat elements which is a complete unified whole that influences each other in forming balance, stability and productivity. This research was carried out on …
Erodibilitas tanah adalah kepekaan tanah terhadap terjadinya proses erosi. Nilai erodibilitas dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisik tanah dan juga bahan organik. Sifat fisik tanah tersebut adalah tekstur ta…
Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the plantation crops in Indonesia vegetable oil producer. One of the obstacles to oil palm development is soil fertility. This study aims to assess the …
Edamame (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is a multipurpose leguminous plant for various types of needs both for food and feed. In general, agricultural land will experience a decrease in soil fertility a…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan tanah di lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit Desa Tanggul Indah, Kecamatan Selat Penuguan, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. Analisis sifa…
Lebak swamps are swamps whose inundation is not affected by tides but is affected by rainwater and overflow of river water. Efforts to utilize lebak swamp land will still face a number of obstacles…
Monitoring of revegetation areas is necessary to assess the succession of reclamation activities in post-mining areas. Geographic information system can be an alternative for monitoring a vegetatio…
Tidal lowland have an important role in supporting the improvement of national food security. Based on the productivity of land in tidal lowland areas, it is strongly influenced by problems with th…
Expansion of oil palm plantations on marginal lands such as peatlands has good potential if done properly. One of them is by making drainage to lower the water level so that the roots of the palms …
Peat is formed from residual vegetation (organic matter) which has accumulated but experienced a decomposition process which was hampered due to unfavorable environmental conditions. Peat restorati…
Penelitian mengenai stabilitas agregat merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam pengembangan lahan pertanian dan perkebunan. Agregat tanah yang stabil akan menciptakan kondisi yang baik bagi tanah …
Peatland productivity is strongly influenced by integrated and comprehensive peatland management. The role of spores in increasing plant growth is through increased absorption of P and other nutrie…
Ultisol merupakan jenis tanah yang memiliki kendala antara lain seperti keasaman (pH) rata-ratanya
Peatland is a type of land ecosystem in tropical forests, peatlands have high conservation value and have other functions such as hydrological functions, carbon reserves and biodiversity which are …
Lebak swampland is land that has a distinctive character with the presence of standing water for quite a long period. Inundation conditions in lebak swamps will affect the level of soil fertility, …
Land evaluation is one of the instruments commonly used in assessing the suitability of land for variousagricultural commodities in an area. The productivityof coffee plants ini Pagaralam City stil…
Sriwijaya Botanical Garden is a peat area, so it is necessary to carry out mapping to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, namely peat thickness, peat maturity, N-Total,…
Non Tidal swamp land has considerable potential to be developed but has constraints on low soil fertility levels, one of which is the constraint on the availability of P (Phosphorus) nutrients. One…
Indonesia peatlands have several advantages since they are crucial for producing wood and non-timber forest products, storing and supplying water, storing carbon, and serving as habitats for a vari…
This study aims to determine the effect of lime doses and planting methods on the growth and production of Inpari 32 rice varieties. This research was conducted in the field of Department of Agricu…
Post-coal mining land reclamation is a natural resource mining activity that can change the shape of critical land so that it can function optimally both as an element of production, a medium for r…
The use of ecoenzymes and compost can potentially provide benefits in increasing the nutrient content and soil fertility in non tidal swamp. This study aims to identify the effect of the applicatio…
Rubber plantations in Indonesia are one of the main commodities with a land area of 3.4 million hectares, and 85% of it is managed by the people but with a low level of productivity. Liquid Organic…
Soil texture is the relative ratio between sand, silt and clay particles in a soil mass expressed in percent. Soil texture is an important physical property of the soil because it can affect the ab…
This study aims to determine the status of soil fertility and to know the recommendations for N, P, K fertilization in oil palm cultivation in Lahat District, Lahat Regency. This study uses a surve…
The carbon contained in plant biomass is the result of propagation through the process of photosynthesis. The amount of carbon stored in biomass in a land varies depending on the age and type of pl…
Sorgum plant is a food substitute plant other than rice which has the main energy for food in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the effect of organic cow manure and dolomite on pH, NPK soil a…