Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle is a sub-regional economic cooperation among three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, which has been established since 1993. IMT-GT aim…
Comprehensive economic cooperation carried out by Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates, which examines Indonesia's national interests in the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates Comprehensive Economic …
Child marriage is a problem that occurs almost all over the world, incinding Indonesia,Indonesia is still relatively high in cases of child marriage. Indonesia and Australia aredoing a collaboratio…
Letak Indonesia yang strategis menjadikan perairan Indonesia rentan terhadap berbagai jenis ancaman dan situasi politik regional di Kawasan Asia-Pasifik yang dinamis karena itu kerja sama bilateral…
Air merupakan sumber daya yang mendasar bagi keberlangsungan gerak kehidupan makhluk di bumi terutama manusia. Air sungai citarum menjadi sumber air minum bagi masyarakat sekitarnya berjalannya wak…
COVID-19 had an impact on economic stability and the trade balance so the Indonesia-United Arab Emirates CEPA cooperation agreement was formed to optimize trade between the two countries. The purpo…
This study explores the role of UNICEF in addressing child marriage in Indonesia in the year 2016. Child marriage is a harmful practice that violates the rights of children, particularly girls, and…
This study examines the role of ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) in reducing child sexual exploitation cases in Thailand from 2016 t…
After the end of Siyad Barre's government in 1991, a power vacuum has developed in Somalia.As a result, there was a power struggle between political elites, warlords, and religious leaderswho wante…
The tourism industry has become one of the mainstay sectors for countries in the world in running the economy. This is because the tourism sector can generate quite high foreign exchange, and is ab…
In 2017 there was a diplomatic crisis between Qatar and Saudi Arabia and its regional allies (United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Bahrain) which caused Qatar to be blockaded and boycotted by other gulf st…
Indonesia and the Philippines have security problems in their territorial waters due to hostage-taking crimes by the Abu Sayyaf Group. Therefore, Indonesia and the Philippines have a bilateral rela…
Drug trafficking in Indonesia continues to increase from year to year. The problem of narcotics trafficking in Indonesia is starting to become a serious threat to the Indonesian nation. This is the…
The inconsistency that occurs with the law in Indonesia has an impact on legal uncertainty, the impact is that the community is at a loss due to the inconsistency of legal regulations in Indonesia.…
The interdisciplinary nature of International Relations focuses on expanding issues from high politics to low politics, including social issues such as racial discrimination against minority groups…
CEDAW provides a basis for realizing equality between women and men guaranteeing equal access to women, and equal opportunities in political, public, educational, health and employment life and the…
This research aims to describe the implementation of the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) regime in Lahat Regency in overcoming the problem of stunting. In the study of Internatio…
This study aims to identify and analyze the Indonesian government's efforts to protect Indonesian Migrant Workers (IWD) in Hong Kong during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The difficulty of getting a job in…
This paper analyzes the implementation process of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in Indonesia. The author applies the concept of the international regime…
The occurrence of climate change cycles is increasingly attracting serious attention from countries in the world. This is largely influenced by the buildup of carbon emissions in the earth's atmosp…
Until the end of 2021, it is estimated that more than 16,000 species of flora and fauna are threatened with extinction, many of which are caused by industrialization. Australia is a continent rich …
The G-20 Presidency of Indonesia provides direct benefits, one of which is for thetourism sector in Indonesia. There are two tracks in the G-20 discussions, namely the financetrack and the sherpa t…
Investment is necessary for every country to increase its economic growth and the welfare ofits people. Since 1950, Indonesia and China have established diplomatic relations inpolitical, economic, …
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh konflik Palestina-Israel yang terjadi selama puluhan tahun. Konflik ini semakin memanas semenjak pecahnya isu perebutan Temple Mount pada tahun 2015 yang menyeb…
Based on UNICEF data, in 2021 more than 200 million girls or women in 30 countries across the world are practicing FGM. Indonesia is in 3rd position with the number of FGM cases after Egypt and Eth…
To deal with the dynamics of international trade, countries in the world cooperate with each other in the economic, political and security sectors in order to maintain the stability of their countr…
Penelitian ini berjudul Aspek Hukum Perjanjian Kerjasama Alih Daya Antara Perusahaan Pengguna Jasa Tenaga Kerja Dengan Perusahaan Penyedia Jasa Pekerja (STUDI TERHADAP EXXONMOBIL CEPU LIMITED). Dil…
This study discusses efforts to improve bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2019-2022. So this study aims to find out how the process of the two countries' efforts in resolving con…