Khusnul Khotimah. 08051281823041. Estimating Zooplankton Abundance Using the Hydroacoustic Method in the waters of Sembilang National Park (Supervisor: Ellis Nurjuliasti Ningsih, M.Si dan Prof. Dr.…
ABSTRAK ANDI WIJAYA. 08051181823011. Komposisi Dan Kelimpahan Diatom Bentik Pada Ekosistem Mangrove Di Sekitar Pelabuhan Tanjung Api-Api, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. (Pembimbing : Dr. Ri…
The Technical Implementation Unit of the Fisheries Port Service (UPTD-PP) in Lempasing, Lampung, is an area and central region that provides marine resources, especially fish, for the Bandar Lampun…
Penelitian tentang pengaruh pemberian kombinasi antara pakan pabrik dengan tepung maggot dan kunyit dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan kelangsungan hidup benih Ikan Kakap Putih…
SMFC is a development of the concept of utilizing Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) with the concept of planting anodes in anoxic sediments and cathodes in the water column. This experimental research aims…
Enggano Island has a coral reef ecosystem as a potential biological resource to support fisheries resources so it needs to be monitored using remote sensing technology. In this case, the Sentinel-2…
Plastic is an object with a high level of use in society and most of its use is single use only. Plastic that floats and settles in water will be degraded into smaller particles called microplastic…
Sungsang Village is located at Musi River, the estuary area is a semi-enclosed body of water that is in free contact with the sea. The lack of awareness of the Sungsang coastal community causes pla…
Microplastics are a form of plastic waste that is very difficult to detect because they are very small and easily dispersed in the ocean. The danger of microplastic contamination to biota can cause…
The Black Sea Cucumber (Holothuria atra) and the Crown of Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci) from Enggano Island are marine organisms that have secondary metabolite compounds potentially exhibiti…
Ketapang merupakan salah satu daerah di Lampung Selatan yang memiliki ekosistem rumput laut, salah satu tempat yang belum banyak dipublikasikan adalah Pulau Seram Besar. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu…
Sungsang Coastal Waters, South Sumatra is the estuary of the Musi River which has potential for capture fisheries production. The many daily activities that people tend to carry out around the Sung…
One source of marine pollution that is often found is plastic waste. Plastic waste thrown away in coastal areas can be carried by ocean dynamics such as strong currents and settle in important coas…
Plastic waste in the waters can have an impact on ecosystems in marine and coastal waters. Plastic waste will degrade into microplastics. Microplastics can enter the digestive tract of fish and cau…
Capture fisheries resources at Kuala Tungkal Fishing Port in Jambi Province have great potential to support the local economy. However, the long-term trend of fish resources is very important to be…
Human activities in river estuaries are the main cause of plastic waste entering the waters. Plastic waste that enters the water will become smaller parts and is called microplastic. These micropla…
Maspari Island is one of the sea turtle nesting habitat areas in South Sumatra Province. Sea turtles are among the biota that need to be protected, so in an effort to protect sea turtles it is nece…
Perancangan Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) dengan fokus pada kebutuhan tinggi akan penelitian bawah air, terutama di negara dengan cakupan laut luas seperti Indonesia. Penelitian bertujuan Merancan…
Eucheuma spinosum is one type of seaweed that has important economic value as an alternative commodity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the efficiency of ZPT Formulation, calculate the per…
Microalgae can be used as biomass feedstock and become bioremediation for ammonia in waters. Tetraselmis chuii is a type of microalgae that utilizes nitrogen, namely nitrate and ammonium in the gro…
The mangrove ecosystem in Sembilang National Park is the largest ecosystem compared to other ecosystems. Mangroves absorb carbon dioxide gas through photosynthesis and then this carbon element will…
Identification and Status of Fish Species During Transition Season I at the Technical Implementation Unit of the Fisheries Port Office (UPTD-PP) Lempasing, Lampung (Supervisors: Fitri Agustriani, S…
Maspari island has a relatively high level of dynamics caused by prolonged mixing of freshwater masses from the mainland with sea water. The coastline tends to have a dynamic nature and its positio…
Remote sensing technology for depth data extraction, known as Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB), can support and facilitate bathymetric data collection, particularly in shallow waters, by utilizin…
Pulau Kelagian merupakan daerah wisata dan memiliki keanekarngaman biota. Pulau Kelagian juga merupakan tempat yang banyak dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai aktifitas manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk…
Kepiting memiliki potensi antioksidan alami yang mampu menangkal radikal bebas. Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH serta mengetahui k…
Barramundi is a type of catadromous fish that has earned the nickname "Asian salmon" which has high nutritional value and a wide market. Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut (BBPBL) Lampung is a cul…
Tiger grouper is one of the leading commodities that have high economic value. The tiger grouper fish farming business is currently being developed to support market needs. The problem that occurs …