Ludwig's Angina is a serious Progressive infection as a severe cellulitis in submandibu/ar, sublingual, and submenial spaces that occur caused by the teeth infection and a respiratoiy obslruction a…
Oral Carcinoma Cell Squamosa is a neoplasm invasive in epitel tissue which have many differentation stage in oral mucosa tissue, alveolar, gingival, tongue, floor of the mouth, palate, tonsils and …
Periodontal disease is one of the predisposing factors that can lead to elevated C-reactive and pro-inflammatory activity and trigger the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart diseas…
Periodontal disease can significantly increase the risk of low birth weight babies in the course of infection suffered mothers during the pregnancy. Bacteria and inflammatory mediators have the abi…
The application of wire in the mouth that was exposed by physical and Chemical agents can cause corrosion. One of the Chemical agents that can ajfect corrosion in the mouth is toothpaste containing…
Pulpitis is an inflammation of the dental pulp, which, when acute will cause great pain. Pulpitis can be acute or chronic, partly or entirely. The pulp can be infected or sterile. The clinical diff…
Background: Anxiety and fear of treatment were important factors that cause patients to avoid dental care. Tranquilizers drugs can be used to solve that problem. Mimosa pudica Linn. is one type of …
Dental caries in one of oral and dental diseases which mostly suffer by Indonesian people. It is highly correlated with oral hygiene. Oral hygiene is the most important factor of oral and dental he…
Garlic {Allium sativum Linn) belongs to a group of medical plants, it has health benefits and known since a long time. It also known as a antibacterial traits. The purpose of this study was to dete…
In retreatment endodontic, one of the important procedure is removing filling material in canal. It can be done by using the combination of dissolving material and instrumentation. Chloroform, the …
Resin composite is one of restoration material often be used in dentistry which has some main component, one of that is inorganic filler. There is a correlation between the inorganic filler of resi…
Odonlogenic cysl is one of the mosi common diseases affecling ihe jaws. Odontogenic cyst derivedfrom tissues ihat form the tooth. The cyst's lumen usually conlains fluids, keratin or or semi-solid …
Dental bleaching was a procedure to reduce the tooth stained chemically. The discoloration of tooth were caused by physiologic factor and patologic factors which divided into extrinsic and intrinsi…
Epulis is a benign tumor and its growth from the interdental papilla periodontal tissues and periosteum. Epulis can occur at any age in female or male and there is a correlation with the level of e…
Erosi gigi didefinisikan sebagai hilangnya jaringan keras gigi yang irreversibel oleh suatu proses kimia tanpa melibatkan bakteri. Kelarutan dari struktur mineral gigi teijadi bila berkontak dengan…
Keadaan gigi pasien yang datang ke Poli Gigi dan Mulut Rumah Sakit Umum DaeraKayuagung umumnya telah mengalami kerusakan yang parah sehingga menimbulkan problematika dalam pencabutannya. Prosedur e…
Risperidone merupakan antipsikotik yang menyebabkan vasokonstriksi pembuluh darah kelenjar saliva. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan fungsi darah dan pertahanan tubuh menurun. Hampir semua anak menggunak…