After the cold war ended, there were developments in the form of threats to the national security of a country. Social media is present as an instrument that has the potential to pose threats on th…
Building a secure socket tunneling protocol method to access port services on the MikroTikrouterboard. Limiting ports that are easy to access remotely on the MikroTikrouterboard. Knowing the steps …
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose a serious threat to computer network infrastructures. Apache Spark, as a popular distributed data processing platform, requires effective methods t…
Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose a serious threat to computer network infrastructures. Apache Spark, as a popular distributed data processing platform, requires effective methods t…
DDoS assaults pose a serious threat to enterprises, inflicting damage and disruption, thus improving the speed and accuracy of DDoS detection and mitigation is critical. The combination of Network …
DDoS attack is one of the security threats frequently experienced on the internet, which utilizes multiple sources to send excessive traffic to a server, causing system failure, making DDoS a signi…
Blockchain merupakan teknologi yang berkembang dengan pesat dengan teknologi keamanan data yang akan meningkatkan kepercayaan suatu pengguna melalui sistem yang terdistribusi. Blockchain terdapat f…
This study discusses Disaster Management after Environmental Damage Due to Coal Haul Road Activities and Station Activities by PT. ROYALTAMA MULIA KENCANA, then analyzed using the theory of Disaste…
Current technological sophistication makes it easy for people to communicate with each other from great distances and obtain various information quickly. In seeking information and communicating, p…
Abstrak Pembangunan infrastruktur yang semakin berkembang salah jenisnya adalah pembangunan jalan tol. Jalan tol yang semakin banyaknya pertumbuhan didalamnya terdapat kegiatan yang bisa menyebabka…
The security system that is often used today is the conventional security system. This security system has weaknesses that allow it to be imitated and broken into. Therefore, a security system that…
With the increasing use of vehicles and the large human population in urban areas, the level of traffic jams is high. Every motorist certainly does not want to be stuck in a traffic jam for too lon…
Sistem keamanan pada kunci pintu rumah yang ada saat ini kebanyakan merupakan sistem keamanan manual berupa kunci atau gembok konvensional. Penelitian bertujuan menciptakan sistem keamanan pada kun…
Simpang Charitas merupakan salah satu simpang dengan arus paling padat di Kota Palembang, setiap harinya masyarakat Palembang melakukan rutinitas melewati ruas jalan tersebut. Pengguna jalan yang t…
Penulis mendapati bahwa permasalahan riil yang terkait security jaringan komputer, khususnya yang terkait dengan aktifitas hacking, sudah mencapai batas ambang "gawat darurat". Sehingga diperlukan …
PT Satria Bahana Sarana was established in March 2004 with its core business as vehicle rental services. The coal mining process itself consists of land clearing, striping overburden, drilling and …
The eye iris is a biometric that has a pattern that requires high accuracy to be identified. Problems that occur are generally image quality, because if the quality of the image used is not good, s…
Skripsi ini mengkaji tentang “Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Wartawan Korban Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Dalam Menjalankan Tugas Jurnalistik (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Banyuasin)”, dalam penelitian ini…
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk membahas perlindungan hukum dalam mengatasi penyalahgunaan data pribadi pada aplikasi Dating di Indonesia dengan disertai perbandingan kebijakan privasi ( Privacy and Po…
Perkembangan teknologi mendorong perubahan disetiap bidang kehidupan manusia, seperti dalam bidang perdagangan. Dengan memanfaatkan kemampuan teknologi kegiatan jual-beli dapat dilakukan dalam jari…