Kesehatan dan gizi ibu hamil perlu diperhatikan agar janin tumbuh berkembang secara optimal dan sehat. Anemia yang paling umum di dunia adalah anemia yang disebabkan oleh defisiensi zat besi. Zat b…
Infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan penyakit menular seksual. Pengobatan yang tersedia saat ini adalah obat antiretroviral (ARV). Obat ARV dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup orang d…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan kepatuhan konsumsi makanan tambahan ibu hamil dengan pertumbuhan janin di Kota Pangkalpinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Penelitian observasiona…
ADMINISTRASI KEBIJAKAN KESEHATAN FAKULTAS KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS SRIWIJAYA Karya tulis ilmiah berupa Tesis 31 Oktober 2022 Gusrinety; Dibimbing oleh M. Zulkarnain dan Rizma Adlia Syakurah ANALISIS K…
Fraud is a deliberate act of fraud to obtain material and harms other parties. Fraud can occur in the problem of health financing for the JKN KIS program which has become the iceberg. The impact of…
ABSTRACT Background: As an indication of the government's commitment in implementing the JKN Program, the President issued Presidential Instruction Number 8 of 2017 and Presidential Instruction Num…
Fly is one of the insect that is included in the Diptheria Ordo as a mechanical vector of disease transmission. Fly habits to perch in dirty and foul-smelling places like broiler sellers because fl…
Outpatient services are often used by the public to obtain treatment so that the puskesmas is expected to maintain the patient’s trust and satisfaction with the services provided. However, here i…
South Sumatra Museum workers are more at risk of exposure to safety and health hazards because a lot of collection conservations and the least of workers. The purpose of this study was to identify …
Indralaya Health Center is one of the health centers that implement the Healthy Indonesia Program with a Family Approach. Achievement of Tuberculosis value at Indralaya Health Center is 66.43% and …
Latar belakang : Kabupaten Musi Rawas merupakan salah satu kabupaten di provinsi Sumatera Selatan yang ditemukan 42 anak dengan gizi buruk, 70 kasus kematian bayi dan 11 kasus kematian pada balita …
Puskesmas Sematang Borang memiliki jumlah cakupan pelayanan ibu hamil K4 di Kota Palembang sebesar 98,9%. Cakupan K4 di Puskesmas Sematang Borang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan rata – rata caku…
HIV/AIDS telah mejadi masalah krisis global dan menjadi tantangan yang berat bagi pembangunan dan kemajuan sosial. Prevalensi pengidap HIV tertinggi menurut kabupaten dan kota di Sumatera Selatan y…
Indralaya Health Center has coverage of visits of pregnant women by 90.3% where there are 10,471 visits from 11,596 pregnant women targets. Based on the Minimum Service Standards (MSS), the target …
Demam Berdarah Dengue adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus Dengue dan ditularkan oleh vektor nyamuk Aedes Aegypty melalui gigitan Nyamuk. Kota Palembang termasuk wilayah endemik terhadap insi…
The welding industry is one of the informal sectors that has various potential hazards, one of the hazards in welding is exposure to hand Arm Vibration coming from the grinding process. The amount …
Breast milk is the right food and drink for babies because it contains white blood cells, proteins and immune substances that are suitable for babies. breastfeeding only to infants up to 6 months o…
Narcotics are substances that cause the effects of decreased consciousness, hallucinations and natural stimulant, there are synthesis and semi-synthesis. Kota Palembang is one of city with the high…
Exposure to hazardous gases resulting from decomposition of waste such as toxic gas of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can affect any disorders of the lung vital capacity in scavengers who daily lives in th…
Hypertension is a state when blood pressure in the blood vessels increased abnormal. If left in a long time hypertension can interfere vital organs other so as to trigger stroke, heart attack, hear…
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infection caused by the dengue virus, which can be transmitted from Aedes Spp. Tropical and subtropical countries are at high risk of dengue virus transmission,…
HAZOPS is one of risk analysis which has a creativity interaction, systematic, and cooperate in identification problem. Gas block station (SPG) XI Lembak have a decission as a natural gas and oil p…
Patient satisfaction is one of the important indicators for controlling the quality of health care in hospitals.Various research results show that the level of patient satisfaction in several hospi…
One of the biggest causes of death in Indonesia is caused by diabetes mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease caused by a person's unhealthy lifestyle. The number of health facili…
Kepatuhan adalah suatu keadaan di mana pasien mematuhi perintah dokter. Kepatuhan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam keberhasilan terapi ARV. Kepatuhan yang baik adalah meminum obat sesuai y…
Complementary feeding of breast milk that is too early can cause the baby to have less appetite for breast milk. On the other hand, late complementary feeding can make it difficult for babies to re…
WHO in Global Tuberculosis Report 2017, states that Indonesia is a country with the third largest tuberculosis case in the world. Based on Health Profile of Palembang City 2017, new cases of TBC in…
In the implementation of the health insurance program, fraud in the National Health Insurance is an act that is carried out deliberately by obtaining profit. The impact of fraud can affect financia…
Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver, this disease can heal itself or it can develop into liver cancer which is generally caused by the hepatitis virus which is supported by poor envir…
The government as a public service provider is required to be able to improve the quality of public services so that they can meet the needs of the community properly. one of the ways for the gover…