This study aims to analyze the behavior of adolescents in using online gambling in the Bukit Lama Village, Palembang City. This study uses qualitative research methods by collecting information fro…
Lowland rice farmers in Janggir Leto Village, Panei District, Simalungun Regency have experienced a decline in income over timepost Covid-19, various sustainable livelihood strategies were implemen…
This research was conducted to see how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the increase of racial discrimination in the United States. In 2020, COVID-19 began to spread across the United States and ca…
Along with the continuing decline in population emised by the cetacenn population, there are many threats, auch as noise and marine debris, from vartous human activities that have a ncgative impoct…
In analyzing the multi-track diplomacy efforts of the Ministry of Tourism and South Bangka Regency through the Toboali City on Fire festival, researchers will provide a framework to clarify the pur…
This research is entitled “Ngelem Behavior among Street Children (Case Study of Street Children on road Mayor Ruslan II Lahat Regency). Behavior is an action that is contrary to the norms that ap…
This study discusses the Life of Coin Collector Children in Merak Harbor, Banten, Pier IV. This study aims to, 1. What are the activities and social life of coin collector children at Pier IV of Me…
This study examines the effect of thrift shopping on fashion consumption behavior among college students. The problem in this study is that there is thrift shopping with the average person carrying…
Research entitled “Empowering the UEP Maju Berjaya in increaring income through a productive economic business program (UEP) in Pandan Sari Village Tungkal Jaya District Musi Banyuasin Regercy. A…
This research was conducted to determine the process of purchasing computer equipment electronically at the Regional Development Planning Board of South Sumatra Province. This study identifies the …
PT. Paragon Technology and Innovation is one of the companies engaged in cosmetics in Indonesia which oversees several cosmetic brands circulating in Indonesia, namely Wardah, Make Over and Emina C…
Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) can cause individuals who experience it to feel fear and anxiety when they see the experiences of friends or others better than themselves. So to relieve these feelings, …
Being self-assured is crucial to a person's personality development because it influences how well they learn, interact with others, and adapt to their surroundings. Because it will be challenging …
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of children's emotional intelligence on peer interaction in SMA Negeri 1 Prabumulih students. This research uses quantitative research. The population…
Manusia adalah sebagai makhluk sosial, yakni mereka yang membutuhkan komunikasi dan membentuk hubungan kepada orang lain. Sebagai entitas sosial, seseorang perlu berinteraksi terhadap individu dan …
This study aims to anlyze how the community's attitude towards the existence of da'wah of Majelis Ta'lim Darul Awwabien in Tanjung Atap Village. Tanjung Batu District, Ogan Ilir Regency. This resea…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tipologi komunikasi pada perempuan sebagai anggota kelompok budaya pendamping dengan masyarakat adat sebagai objek kajiannya. Metode yang digunakan adala…
This research is entitled Social Adjustment of the Elderly at the UPTD Elderly Social Institute Harapan Kita (Elderly Home) Indralaya. The problems studied in this study are the forms of social adj…
Keputusan yang lebih baik seringkali dihasilkan melalui komunikasi yang inklusif antar anggota dalam suatu kelompok. Meskipun terdapat bukti yang mendukung bahwa tim lintas fungsi memudahkan pengam…
This research discusses the "Relationship of Peer Social Support with Academic Achievement of Junior High School Adolescents in Aisyiyah Orphanage in Prabumulih" using both quantitative and qualita…
This research is entitled ''Lapo Tuak as a public space from the perspective of Jurgen Habermas in Sinaman Labah Village, Simalungun Regency''. The purpose of this research is to find out about Lap…
The title of this research is "Social Network Analysis in Disseminating Information on Fuel Price Increases on Social Media Twitter". The purpose of this research is to analyze and find out the int…
Socio-economic change is a process of change that occurs in society that involves social and economic aspects. This thesis analyzes the socio-economic changes in Zone H canteen traders during the o…
Twitter is now one of the most popular social media among students today. Students use Twitter as a means to show self-existence and social life. At the age of students, it is the age when students…