Sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi dan Seni ( IPTEKS ), maka penelitian ilmiah dalam berbagai bidang termasuk dalam bidang ilmu sosial dan pendidikan makin menjadi hal yang san…
Ilmu Pengetahuan sosial adalah pelajaran yang sangat membosankan. Itulah yang sering dilkontarkan oleh mahasiswa yang sedang mempelajari IPS. Kebosanan ini sesungguhnya bukan disebabkan hafalan, te…
Sumbangan Ilmu- ilmu Sosial bagi perumusan ataupun pelaksanaan kebijakan pembangunan, oleh karenaya haruslah lebih mempunyai makna. Ini berarti bahwa pendidikan dan penelitian Ilmu- ilmu Sosial har…
This research is entitled "Analysis of The Implemntation of E-Government in the Department of Commerce of South Sumatra Province". The background of this research is that in this era of digitalizat…
This study aims to analyze the performance of BPSK Palembang City in handling and resolving consumer disputes. This research is motivated by a situation where there is a consumer phenomenon that te…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Strategi Promosi Kesehatan Pencegahan Stunting di Puskesmas Muara Bulian Kabupaten Batang Hari”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh terdapat masyarakat di wi…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa jauh APBDes di Desa Jambu Rejo tahun 2020-2022 sudah memenuhi prinsip anggaran responsif gender. Fokus penelitian adalah analisis anggaran respo…
This research is motivated by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Regulation Number 9 of 2021 concerning guidelines for sustainable tourism destinations. The government and local governmen…
This research is entitled "Community Resilience to Face Floods (Study in 8 Ilir Village Palembang City)". This study aims to determine the level of community resilience to floods, as well as to det…
This research is entitled "Semiotic Analysis of Representation of Lesbian Violence in Ride Or Die (2021)". This study aims to find out the meaning of denotation, connotation and myths about forms o…
This study aims to test and explain whether there is an effect of digital literacy on the intention to adopt BSB Mobile m-banking at the Sumsel Babel Bank Branch of Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir (Pali…
The Diffusion Process of Care Protect Application Innovations Among Srijaya State High School Students inlembang, which aims to see new ideas created by the Office of Communication and Informatics …
The title of this thesis is "Self-Disclosure of Tinder Application Users Among Sungailiat City Teenagers." The purpose of this study is to discover the motivations for using the Tinder application …
This research is entitled "The Effect of Organizational Communication Climate on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance (Study of Jaya Makmur Village Unit Cooperative in the Greater Mesuji Regio…
This study aims to find out the view of the student of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Sriwijaya University regarding the gamophobia phenomenon in the Series Film: Layangan Putus. This re…
Aplikasi Pak Tani merupakan inovasi yang dibuat oleh Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan kota Palembang yang dapat digunakan oleh seluruh masyarakat terutama dibidang penjualan produk pertanian. A…