Rubber is a very important plantation commodity in Indonesia. Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) is a type of fertilizer in the form of a solution obtained from the decomposition of organic matter. Th…
Indonesia merupakan negara tropis yang didominasi oleh tanah yang sudah mengalami pelapukan lanjut salah satunya Ultisol. Masalah utama dengan Ultisol adalah selain kandungan unsur hara yang buruk,…
Intensive land processing such as inundation of rice fields and the use of large-scale chemical fertilizers for a long time will experience production slowdowns or levelling off. For this reason, i…
Ultisol is a type of soil that is spread throughout Indonesia. However, this soil generally has constraints, such as low organic matter content and acidic soil pH when used as agricultural cultivat…
South Sumatra is one of the largest rubber producers in Indonesia with an area and production of rubber plantations as of 2021, namely 1.311.726 (ha). The rubber processing industry in South Sumatr…
Goat biourine is a liquid organic fertilizer that has not been widely used by society. While goat urine contains high elements of N, phosphorus, potassium and more air when compared to solid goat m…
Sorghum is a food crop which all parts of it can be utilized so that it has great potential to be developed in Indonesia. Tidal land is one type of agricultural ecology that has wide potential for …
Rubber is one of the main commodities in Indonesia for export and to meet domestic needs as a raw material for industrial needs. In a land that can not be separated from doing sanitation or cleanin…
Payaraman District is one of the sub). districts in Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra. Rubber ( Hevea brasiliensis Muel. Arg) is one of the plantation crops whose sap is widely used in transportatio…
Ultisol mempunyai pH tanah, kejenuhan basa, KTK, dan kandungan bahan organik yang rendah serta kekurangan unsur hara penting bagi tanaman. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah pada Ul…
Rubber plant is an annual plant that plays an important role in the national economy. This study aims to examine the application of land sanitation and POC mixture of pineapple peel and papaya wast…
Ultisol memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan lahan pertanian karena memiliki luasan yang cukup besar, namun Ultisol masih memiliki kekurangan seperti kandungan hara yang rendah, miskin bahan organik, d…
Corn plants are one of the main food crops in Indonesia besides rice and wheat. This research aimed to study the effect of various dosages of chicken cage fertilizer toward some physical properties…
Ultisol is a ordo of soil that is widely used for plant cultivation, one of which is chili plants. However, Ultisol has problems with infertile soil conditions ranging from soil reaction (pH) Ultis…
Edamame plant (Glycine max (L.) Merril) is a legume plant originating from Japan which is usually made for sake drinks. Edamame has a higher selling price than ordinary soybeans. Edamame cultivatio…
Pakcoy or commonly called spoon mustardis a plant that is much favored by the surrounding community. In addition to its easy cultivation process, pakcoy can also be cultivated through hydroponic me…
One of the plantation commodities that has an important role is rubber. Rubber plants need good care to keep producing optimally. The lack of plant sanitation activities as well as the inappropriat…
Pakcoy is a vegetable plant that often cultivated because pakcoy is a short-lived plant. Biofertilizer is the type of fertilizer that can meet the nutrient needs of plants if applied in the right d…
Pemanfaatan Ultisol sebagai media tanam dalam pertanian mempunyai berbagai kendala seperti tingkat kemasaman, bahan organik yang rendah, serta sangat peka terhadap erosi. Upaya yang dapat diberikan…
Ultisol memiliki karakteristik berupa pH tanah yang rendah, ketersediaan unsur hara yang sedikit, tingginya kejenuhan alumunium dan aktivitas mikroba dalam tanah yang rendah. Salah satu cara untuk …
Ultisol is an infertile soil characterized by low soil fertility, high soil acidity. Ultisol have cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation (KB), high aluminum content (Al saturation), low or…
Problems with Ultisols are high levels of acidity and low nutrient content, which need to be overcome by providing organic and inorganic fertilizers. Red chili is one type of vegetable that is quit…
Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair yang berbahan dasar tumbuhan-tumbuhan sekitar seperti tumbuhan Krinyuh (Chromolaena odorata), Paitan (Tithonia diversifolia), dan Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) serta …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah respirasi dan jumlah populasi mikroorganisme tanah pada berbagai dosis campuran abu batubara dan pupuk kandang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Labor…
Abu terbang batubara berasal dari hasil pembakaran batubara pada PLTU. Abu terbang memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan tambahan atau pembenah tanah mengingat jumlahny…
This research goals is to determine the impact of the coal fly ash mixture with chicken manure and TSP fertilizer on the growth of maize (Zea mays) on Ultisols. This study was conducted in November…
Ultisol has the main problem in the form of low nutrient content which is caused by a rapid decomposition process while the alkaline washing process takes a long time and occurs intensively causing…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pupuk organik terhadap serapan N dan P serta produksi tanaman kacang panjang (Vigna sinensis L.) pada ultisol. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitia…