Mothers' lack of knowledge about choking in toddlers has an impact on inappropriate behavior when handling choking so that it can endanger the child. Efforts that can be made to increase mother's k…
Introduction: Decreased body function can occur due to increasing age, decreased body function can occur in all systems in the body, one of which is the musculoskeletal system. Decreased bone funct…
The period of hormonal changes in women, especially pregnant women and post-partum women, is one of the things that causes anxiety. Anxiety is a tension that arises from stress (getting a stressor)…
Background: The incidence of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in the world is very high. On average, more than 50% of women in every country experience menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea). Meanwhile in Indo…
Oxygen therapy practicum becomes the basis for nursing science skills. Achievement of competence could be done by simulating real roles. Skills regarding oxygen therapy must be possessed by student…
Cervical cancer patients who will undergo chemotherapy experience anxiety with complaints of feeling afraid of facing treatment failure, difficulty breathing, decreased appetite, anxiety, and diffi…
Breast milk contains various substances needed in the process of growth, baby development, health, and baby immunity. ASI (breast milk) is the main and best food for babies that is natural. Breast …
Food intake with a balanced diet in children under two determines success in growing and developing children. The golden period can be realized if at this time the child gets the appropriate nutrit…
Hypertension is often referred to as The Silent Disease because it is often asymptomatic, so people with hypertension do not know that they have hypertension. Hypertension mostly occurs in people w…
Forward head posture (FHP) is a posture disorder in which the head is pointed forward in the sagittal plane away from the vertical line of the shoulders, characterized by not aligning the head with…
Cardiac arrest is one of most common cardiovascular causes of death. The incidence of cardiac arrest in Indonesia is unknown, but there are more than 5 million people with cardiovascular disease, s…
Nausea vomiting is one of the side effects of chemotherapy that is often felt by breast cancer patients. This situation becomes serious for patient so that it causes anxiety, stress and affects the…
Anxiety is a condition that is diffuse and unclear, which is associated with feelings of helplessness as well as feelings of uncertainty. This emotional state has no specific object. And is an emot…
ABSTRACT Stress can cause students headaches and no appetite, until the most fatal thing, which is suicide. Therefore, treatment is needed that can reduce stress. Reducing stress can be done in var…
Stress is a mental condition that a person experiences as a result of being under pressure. Stress can negatively affect nurses' physical and psychological health. It may also influence the quality…
Cervical cancer can cause complex problems for patients, one of them is the problem of maintaining a nutritional balance. Technology can be managed for handling problems experienced by cervical can…
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) merupakan gangguan endokrin yang banyak menyerang wanita pada usia produktif. PCOS yang tidak ditangani dengan baik dapat menyebabkan masalah seperti infertilitas h…
Low self-esteem is one of the causes of problems faced by adolescents, especially those who are undergoing punishment. Compared to ordinary teenagers, juvenile prisoners can decrease their self-est…
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and has been designated a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. The government targets that a…
The making of a nursing care plan (NCP) must comply with an established standard consisting of diagnoses, outcomes and nursing interventions. Most (88.8%) of the mental nurses at Ernaldi Bahar Hosp…
Knowledge of KIPI is one of the things to be improved because the lack of community knowledge about it can lead to anxiety and fear. In increasing knowledge of KIPI in the community, a health educa…
The relationship between stress levels and the incidence of hypertension during the COVID-19 pandemic iv + 60 + 7 tables + 2 schemes + 13 attachments ABSTRACT Stress is a risk factor that can cause…
Hypertension is one of the most common diseases suffered by the community. The relationship between obesity, smoking, coffee consumption, stress and sleep quality on the incidence of hypertension i…