Penelitian aktivitas antidiabetes ekstrak dan fraksi buah karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Aiton) Hassk) terhadap tikus putih jantan galur wistar terinduksi streptozotosin bertujuan mengetahuipe…
Hyperlipidemia is characterized by increased normal levels of plasma lipids such as cholesterol, triglycerides, cholesterol esters, phospholipids, and sometimes plasma lipoproteins, including very …
Long-term exposure to excess free radicals in the body can cause oxidative stress and various diseases, so antioxidant compounds are needed to neutralize free radicals. This research was conducted …
Ibuprofen Is Classified As A Bcs Class Ii Biopharmaceutical. This Means That Researchers Use Solid Dispersion To Improve Its Solubility And Dissolution Rate, As It Has Poor Oral Solubility And Bioa…
Hyperlipidemia is a disorder of the fat metabolism system which causes an increase in total cholesterol, LDL, triglyceride levels and a decrease in blood HDL. Catechin is the main compound from gam…
Cikori root flour (Cichorium intybus L.) is a functional food containing inulin and is useful as a prebiotic in stimulating the growth of Bifidobacterium longum (B. longum). Prebiotic cikori root f…
Asam usnat mempunyai kelarutan yang rendah dalam air, sehingga menyebabkan asam usnat agak sulit diformulasi. Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kelarutan asam usnat adalah dengan menggunakan siste…
Mahogany leaves contain flavonoid, phenolic, triterpenoid, steroid, tannin and saponin compounds as antioxidants. This study aims to determine the characteristics, phytochemical screening, the effe…
Erythromycin is a topical antibiotic with anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities used for the therapy of mild to moderate inflammatory acne. However, conventional topical erythromycin fo…
The kandis tamarind plant is a plant that contains secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, phenolics, steroids, triterpenoids, saponins and tannins that have potential as antioxidants.The purpose…
Breadfruit leaves (Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg) contain the main flavonoid compound in the form of quercetin which has potential as an antiosteoarthritis. Nanoemulsion preparation is car…
Diabetes mellitus (DM) can cause cognitive disorders and even Alzheimer's disorders. Catechins in gambier have pharmacological effects as antioxidants and can be used as therapy to improve cognitiv…
Cassava leaves (Manihot Esculenta Crantz.) is proven to contain secondary metabolites, including flavonoids such as rutin, which demonstrated antibacterial capabilities. The deformability and elast…
Erythromycin is a drug classified into Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) class II which has low solubility in water so that it can reduce the speed of drug penetration into skin. One of…
The utilization of sweet orange peel is still minimal as it is often overlooked after fruit processing for consumption, despite being rich in bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, especially f…
Excessive free radicals in the body can cause oxidative stress conditions which result in tissue damage. This condition can be prevented by consuming antioxidants. Cherry leaves (Muntigia calabura …
Kersen leaves (Muntingia calabura L.) have been proven to have antioxidant properties, both in the form of crude extracts and fractions. The ethyl acetate fraction of kersen leaves separated by vac…
Plants that contain high levels of flavonoid and phenol compounds have the potential to act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. One of them is the breadfruit plant (Artocarpus altilis). This s…
Daun kencana ungu (Ruellia tuberosa L.) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin, saponin dan steroid yang memiliki efek terapi sebagai antidiabetes dan diuretik. S…
Bitter leaf extract (Andrographis paniculate (Burm.f) Wall. Ex Ness) contains secondary metabolites andrographolide and quercetin which have potential antibacterial activity. This research aims to …
Open wounds are very susceptible to infection, can become ulcers and even chronic if they are not treated and cared for properly. Nanofiber as a modern wound dressing can deliver medicinal ingredie…
Pulmonary tuberculosis treatment for a long time at least 6 months with side effects making it a challenge for patients to complete treatment. Cases of low adherence to taking medication are still …
Mefenamic acid is a drug included in the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) class II so it is difficult to dissolve water which is overcome by making it into a solid dispersion. The comb…
Sambiloto leaves (Andrographis paniculate (Burm. F) Wall ex. Ness) contain andrografolid and flavonoids as the main compounds that have potential as antibacterial. Nanoemulsion with a combination o…
Tuberculosis is a contagious respiratory tract infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This research utilized an in silico approach to predict the molecular potential of target compounds in…
Spirulina platensis is a blue-green algae species that contains phycocyanin. The low stability of phycocyanin requires an effective delivery system, one of which is through the process of nanoencap…
BSF maggot flour has the highest protein content as well as other ingredients such as carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals, antimicrobial peptide (AMP), and chitin. BSF maggot flour protein can be …
Ekstrak daun sukun (Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder utama flavonoid dan fenolik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui optimum konsentrasi Tween 80…
Carica papaya is known to reduce the quality of spermatozoa in rats. Papaya seed formulation in the form of SNE (Self-Nano Emulsion) is an alternative drug delivery system to increase bioavailabili…
Penyakit hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian di dunia dengan peningkatan prevalensi seiring bertambahnya usia pada pasien geriatri (usia ≥ 60 tahun). Proses degeneratif dan ba…