This research is Budget Accountabitlity in the Road and Bridge Rehabilitation/Maintenance program at the Public Work Agency of Bina Marga and Spatial Planning in South Sumatera Province in 2018. Th…
The background of this research is the lack of an administrative system in the Binjai Village Head Leadership so that they do not have a written report on each program carried out so that the villa…
This study discusses the Implementation of the General Election Commission's Strategy in Increasing Novice Voter Participation (Analysis Ahead of the 2024 Concurrent Elections in North Musi Rawas R…
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of Financial Literacy and Lifestyle on Employee Retirement Readiness at the Regional Inspectorate of South Sumatra. The research method used i…
Service is an important aspect which is one of the determinants of the quality possessed by agencies, especially those engaged in the service sector. This study aims to find out how the strategy is…
This research is entitled "Strategy of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia Representative of South Sumatra in Improving Public Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic". This research was motiv…
The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of Online Single Submission (OSS) system in Department of Investment and Integrated Services One Door Prabumulih City. This research use…
This research is entitled "Analysis of The Implemntation of E-Government in the Department of Commerce of South Sumatra Province". The background of this research is that in this era of digitalizat…
This study aims to analyze the performance of BPSK Palembang City in handling and resolving consumer disputes. This research is motivated by a situation where there is a consumer phenomenon that te…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Strategi Promosi Kesehatan Pencegahan Stunting di Puskesmas Muara Bulian Kabupaten Batang Hari”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh terdapat masyarakat di wi…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa jauh APBDes di Desa Jambu Rejo tahun 2020-2022 sudah memenuhi prinsip anggaran responsif gender. Fokus penelitian adalah analisis anggaran respo…
This research is motivated by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Regulation Number 9 of 2021 concerning guidelines for sustainable tourism destinations. The government and local governmen…
This research is entitled "Community Resilience to Face Floods (Study in 8 Ilir Village Palembang City)". This study aims to determine the level of community resilience to floods, as well as to det…
This research aims to investigate collaborative governance in mitigating the risk of stunting in Palembang City (A case study in the District of Ilir Timur II). The increasing prevalence of stuntin…
The background of this research is that health problems are an issue faced by society today, especially in the working area of the Sabokingking Health Center. Based on these problems, it is a drivi…
This study discusses " Accountability of the Restaurant Restaurant-based E-Tax Taxpayer at the Palembang Ciy Regional Tax Management Agency in 2019". This research aims to find out how the accounta…
This research is entitled Evaluation of the Implementation of the 50:50 State Civil Apparatus Picket System during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period at Higher Education Service Institutions (HESI) Regio…
Palembang City has the highest level of violence against women in recent yearsin the South Sumatra Province region. Handling of victims of violence against womenhas been attempted in various ways, …
Penelitian ini berjudul “Collaborative Governance Dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Kopi Di Kabupaten Lahat”. Collaborative Governance merupakan upaya untuk menyatukan visi dan misi guna mencapai…
This research discusses the implementation of good governance in the service of micro business permit certificates at the Pendopo sub-district office, Empat Lawang district. Based on the principles…
This study discusses how public service motivation and perceived organizational support affect employee performance. The tendency of public service motivation and perceptions of organizational supp…
There is still a vast number of blankspot or non-internet access areas in South Sumatra, the provincial government of southern Sumatra in this case is able to enjoy internet access equally by promo…
This thesis is entitled "The Quality of Service to Patients of Class I of the Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS Kesehatan) at the Central General Hospital Dr. Mohammad Hoesin, Pale…
This research focuses on the extent to which the neutrality of the Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) is achieved through the implementation of the Pemilihan Kepala Daerah tahun 2020 (Pilkada) which were …
This qualitative research aims to analyze the management of fixed assets using the asset life cycle management approach at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of Ogan Ilir Regency. D…
This research examines efforts to overcome conflicts between conventionaltransportation and online transportation (Case Study at the Palembang CityTransportation Service). This study identified 5 a…
In the digitalization era, government must have quality, integrity and professional apparatus resources in providing public services to carry out the digitalization process. This research provides …
This research was conducted to find out how the evaluation of the teaching and learning process through online and offline media was carried out by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Scie…
This study aims to determine the evaluation of the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 in the Class IA Palembang Religious Court. The problem is motivated by public complaints about the quality of ser…
This study aims to find out how accessible services are at the SAMSAT UPTB Palembang Region II Office and to find out the factors that affect service accessibility at the SAMSAT UPTB Palembang Regi…