Latar belakang: Candida albicans merupakan flora normal di dalam rongga mulut manusia, tetapi jika ada faktor predisposisi Candida albicans dapat menjadi patogen. Efek samping pengobatan antijamur …
Staphylococcuss aureus merupakan mikroflora normal yang dapat menjadi patogen di dalam rongga mulut. Keberadaan bakteri S. aureus yang tidak seimbang sering terlibat dalam berbagai infeksi rongga m…
Background: Patient with full edentulism experience difficulties in masticatory function,and thus require the use of complete dentures. The major issue with the use of complete dentures is the appe…
Latar Belakang: Kista dan tumor odontogenik merupakan penyakit yang dapat diidentifikasi melalui pemeriksaan rutin radiografi panoramik. Interpretasi radiograf panoramik merupakan hal yang tidak mu…
Background: Bonding of restorative materials to dentin structure is more difficult to achieve than to the enamel structure. Bonding Universal Adhesive is the latest and most interesting innovation …
Latar Belakang: Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2018 menunjukkan 67,3% anak usia 5-9 tahun mengalami masalah rongga mulut, namun hanya 14,6% anak menerima perawatan. Kecemasan dental merupakan salah satu pen…
Latar belakang: Resin komposit packable memiliki kandungan filler dan viskositas yang tinggi. Kandungan filler yang tinggi dapat mengurangi kebocoran mikro. Namun, viskositas yang tinggi menyebabka…
Latar belakang: Angka kejadian gigi rusak, berlubang, atau sakit di Sumatera Selatan cukup tinggi yaitu 45,1% dimana 54% diantaranya dialami oleh anak usia sekolah. Upaya pencegahan perilaku karies…
Background: Gambier leaves are herbal plants replacing chlorhexidine to overcome root canal treatment failures where much Enterococcus faecalis bacteria were found. Various solvents such as n-hexan…
Background: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, cartilage, bones or blood vessels of the hands, feet, neck and back that affect the movement of…
Background: Oral ulcers are divided into two, namely multiple ulcers and solitary ulcers.Single or solitary ulcers are divided into three based on disease severity criteria, including acute, chroni…
Background: Students must be able to adapt to the transition from high school to college to avoid stress. As a result of stress, para-functional habits could develop which lead to trauma. One of th…
Latar Belakang: Staphylococcus aureus merupakan salah satu bakteri yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi yang mempunyai karakteristik seperti peradangan, pembentukan abses dan nekrosis, Staphylococcus aur…
Background: The most common dental problems in Indonesia are broken/cavities/toothache. Dental hard tissue disease is one of the ten biggest outpatient diseases in South Sumatera Dental and Oral Ho…
Background: Streptococcus mutans is known to be one of bacteria that causes infections associated with several dental and oral diseases including alveolar osteitis or dry socket. Antibacterial cont…
Latar belakang: Anomali gigi merupakan kelainan yang terjadi akibat gangguan selama masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan gigi. Etiologi anomali gigi dapat diakibatkan oleh berbagai faktor. Anomali gig…
Background: Dental caries is a complex pathology involving the demineralization of dental hard tissue and predominantly affecting children. Preventive strategies can involve the use of anticariogen…
Background: Dental anxiety refers to fear responses triggered by different factors, primarily dental procedures. Among these procedures, tooth extraction is known to contribute to the development o…
Background: Streptococcus mutans is a Gram-positive bacterium that is known as the main pathogen of dental caries. The use of chlorhexidine gluconate as an antibacterial agent can reduce Streptococ…
Background: Class II malocclusion is one of the most common types of malocclusion and is mostly caused by mandibular retrognathism relative to maxillary prognathism. Class II malocclusion can be co…
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease caused by specific microorganisms which can cause progressive damage to the periodontal tissues. Periodontitis can be affected by systemic conditions, one o…
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on dental and oral health services throughout the world, including Indonesia. Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia recommends that the postponement of…
Background: Periodontitis is a common periodontal disease that is still found in society. One method to examine periodontitis disease is panoramic radiograph. The purpose of this study was to deter…
Ludwig's Angina is a serious Progressive infection as a severe cellulitis in submandibu/ar, sublingual, and submenial spaces that occur caused by the teeth infection and a respiratoiy obslruction a…
Oral Carcinoma Cell Squamosa is a neoplasm invasive in epitel tissue which have many differentation stage in oral mucosa tissue, alveolar, gingival, tongue, floor of the mouth, palate, tonsils and …
Periodontal disease is one of the predisposing factors that can lead to elevated C-reactive and pro-inflammatory activity and trigger the occurrence of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart diseas…
Periodontal disease can significantly increase the risk of low birth weight babies in the course of infection suffered mothers during the pregnancy. Bacteria and inflammatory mediators have the abi…
The application of wire in the mouth that was exposed by physical and Chemical agents can cause corrosion. One of the Chemical agents that can ajfect corrosion in the mouth is toothpaste containing…
Operculectomy is an act of disposal of the operculum (injlamed soft tissue and cover the crown of the tooth ) with surgery. Operculum is often followed by inflammation, usually in the area of mandi…