Buckgrounds: To gel brighier smile and whiler ieeih cuu.se an increasing of cosmciic dental care needs. Tooth colored restorative materials and dental bleaching pari oj cosmetic dental care. Dental…
4 smile is the mosi importanl pari in Jentoj'aciai aesthetics. Aesthetically smile consist several parts such as the position oj the midline axial angulation. buccal corridor. anu the smile arc. Th…
The elderly was a person who passed the aging process with the increase of age and decrease of physical function. A total or partial lose of teeth could be marked of aging process. It could be caus…
Dental health cartoon animation is the series of moving images to serve as educational media that tells about dental health and dental care in general. Educational cartoon animation with interestin…
Treatment of typhoid fever using the antibiotic chloramphenicol was caused side effects such as decreased the amount of good bacteria found in the digestive tract. These side effects led to increas…
Topical application is an act of giving anticaries material that in this study used APF gel 1.23% and NaF solution 2%. Fluoride as a topical application material has been reported to have an antiba…
Resin modified glass ionomer cement (RMG1C) is a modification of glass ionomer cement (GIC), which has resin substance in its formula. The acid contained in the beverages was found to cause restora…
Resin Modified Glass ionomer Cement (RMG1C) is a developed form of conventional glass ionomer cement. RMGIC has hydrophilic nature which can absorb the fluid in the oral cavity such as saliva and t…
Cyclea bar bata Miers w e re plant which originated from ASEAN. Cyclea barbata Miers contains a major active compound is klorofil and flavonoid and other active compound are polifenol, saponin and …
Based on data from scientific research, USA in 2012, the prevalence of C las s 111 malocclusion i n Asia is high enough (Malaysia 12.58%, Japan 13%, C hina 14.5%, and Korea 19%), it show that Class…
Background. The community dental and oral health is one of the aspect that need to be considered According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the prevalence of caries in Indonesia in 2010 amou…
Glass ionomer cement is a restoratrve material used for permanent restoration of children teeth. One of the disadvantages of this material is low wear resistance so U’s easy for loosing its mass.…
The prevalence of brushing teeth correctly is just a little in Indonesia. Because of the difficulty to ensuring p/acjue removal by mechanical method, antibacterial agents are to complenientary of b…
Based on a studies of HTA (Health Technology Assessment) Ministry of Health Indonesia 2010, thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that is most commonly found with beta thalassemia carrier rate re…
Backgroud: Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl) is a traditional plant which conlains flavonoid, saphonin, alkaloid, and pholifenol. Based on previous studies had been known that Jlav…
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) is a foaming agent that is commonly used in toothpaste. The use ofSLS 1,5% in toothpaste can affect the healingprocess and pain of ulcers in patients with SAR. Toothpas…
Green tea contains various component of compounds that can inhibit the formation of caries. Catechins contained in tea have anti-streptococcal activity that can inhibit growth and kill Streptococcu…
Dental caries is a process of demineralization in dental hard tissue, which is caused by acids present in a carbohydrate produced by the bacteria, followed by damage to organic materials. Dental ca…
In a Journal, the data obtained from Dr. Hasan Sadikin hospital that in 1999- 2001 were 840 patients who received sedative-hypnotic drugs for dental treatment procedure in pediatric and adult, 50 o…
Candida albicans is kind of yeast found in oral cavity, gastro-intestinal, vaginal area cavity and it is found 40-60% in oral health cavity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the infl…
Childs in the elementary school still depends on their parents, especially their mother. In the daily life, parents can be a model or an examplefor their children tofollow. So the behaviour and hab…
Recently encountered a variety oftooth paste product contaning herbal extract ofpiper betle 's, because this material is a natural substance that is safe to use. In addition, the tooth paste contai…
Pop up book is a book that has parts that can move or has a three dimensional elements. This book that has very attractive visualization and suitable for the developing child of age 4 to 5 years ol…
Customer really do have to be satisfied, if not they will leave institution as customer and become rival customer. Thus, an institution must assess customer’s degree of satisfactory to know the a…
On the age between 10-12 called mixed dentition teeth period. In this period crowding teeth often happens. Mixed dentition teeth may cause retention increase to the plaque because the cleansing pro…
The increased accumulation ofplaque in smokers due to substances which consist in cigarettes may effects in gingival status and may increasing incidence of gingivitis. This research was conducted t…
Gingivitis is inflammation of gingiva, a common periodontal disease that found in Indonesian elementary school student. Gingivitis is caused by bacterial irritation in dental plaque. Gingivitis in …
School children generally have habit to overconsume certain types of snack which are sweet and sticky on teeth. The pattern of having snacks is consisted of the type and the frequency of eating the…
Plaque control is an important factor for wearers of fixed orthodontic appliance to support the success of treatment. The simplest of plaque control method is brushing the teeth. Wearers offbced or…