Jurnal ilmiah yang beredar saat ini jumlah sangat banyak dan akan terus berkembang. Jika ingin melihat kata-kata yang menjadi bahasan dari jurnal secara umum maka dapat di wakili oleh kata kunci. D…
Various forms of attack models ranging from hosting, spreading malware and phishing websites, these actions can start from accessing the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or files that contain malicio…
The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing, starting from industry, education, to everyday life. Using the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) can make it easier to solve various …
Digital signature is a cryptographic technique to maintain and check the authenticity of data or information. In this research, the algorithms used are the BLAKE2s algorithm as a hash algorithm and…
SQL Injection is a hacking attack that is carried out by abusing the security gaps in the SQL layer on a data-based application, Sql Injections is a serious threat to the security of a website. The…
selama ii PT. Karyatani Pratama Sakti masih menggunakan cara manual dalam melakukan beberapa permasalahan seperti lamanya prose backup data, dan sering terjadi kesalahan input jumlah nominal penjua…
Pempek Musi Sriwijaya merupakan sebuah entitas dagang yang bergerak di bidang kuliner. Permasalahan yang terjadi di dalam proses transaksi pemesanan, yang masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu pelang…
Faktanya, android telah digunakan oleh ratusan juta perangkat seluler di lebih dari 190 negara di seluruh dunia. setiap harinya, terdapat 1 juta perangkat android yang aktif dengan lebih dari 1,5 m…
Query Expansion (QE) is an important process in Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) system, because it can make the document identification process better. The use of QE aims to see if ther…
The final project was carried out with the aim of making an employee performance appraisal application in the Tanjung Lubuk post office. At the Tanjung Lubuk Post Office, the performance assessment…
Document security becomes very important during the file transmission process via Smartphone, one of the crimes that attacks during the file transmission process is called Man in The Middle (MiTM).…
One of the algorithms in Machine Learning principles that can be used to classify large amounts of data by producing clear and effective results is the K-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm. This research …
This research focuses on aviation accidents in Indonesia, based on KNKT data the main factor that causes the most dominant accidents is the human factor with a percentage of 67.12% starting from 20…
Untuk menghindari pencurian informasi pesan agar tidak terbaca oleh yang tidak diinginkan maka pesan disembunyikan pada suatu media. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka digunakan ilmu steganografi. D…
The movement of an educational institution cannot be separated from the role of the teacher as an educator. Teacher performance is one of the factors needed to achieve the school’s goal of provid…
Sending data and messages through various media is a common activity. However, the leak and piracy of information can be a high risk. To protect the security of messages, this study uses the combin…