Landslide disasters can occur due to several factors, and based on BNPB InaRISK data, the Cileles area and its surroundings are included in the area with moderate vulnerability to landslides. This …
This research is located in the administrative area District of Tanjung Sakti Pasemah Ulu Manna Ilir (PUMI), Lahat Regency, South Sumatra. Geologically, it is located in the barisan mountains (volc…
Physical soil is one of the factors that affect the value of soil erosion in addition to vegetation management, organic matter and slope. Land use transformation is very influential on land degrada…
Gabungan dari topografi yang terjal, kondisi geologi dan iklim yang berubah-ubah menjadikan Kota Pagar Alam sering terjadi bencana tanah longsor. Tujuan penelitian adalah membuat serta membandingka…