Nipah is a species of mangrove palm that lives on the back of the mangrove zone. Nipah has morphological adaptations that can be seen on leaf organs at a certain levels of salinity. Research on mor…
Ketapang is a sub-district located in the East Coast of South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. This area is included as one of the widest mangrove areas in Lampung Province. The role of the mangr…
Marga Punduh Subdistrict is a subdistrict located in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Marga Punduh sub-district is one of the mangrove distribution areas in Lampung Province. Macrozoobenthos is…
Mangrove has the ability to accumulate heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems. Air Telang Protected Forest is a dominant coastal area that is used by local people in various activities such as fishing,…
Mangrove forest have high carbon absorption efficiency and shows decline in Indonesia. Carbon stock observation of mangrove forest need to be done as a basis for mangrove forest management. This re…
Mangrove is a plant community that is in one area, with an alluvial mud substrate and can withstand a fairly high level of salinity. which is resistant to high salinity.The mangrove ecosystem is cl…
Payung Island is an island located at the mouth of the Musi River, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Payung Island acts as a spawning, nurturing and foraging area for the surrounding aquat…
Payung island is an island located in the Musi Estuary and is located in the middle of the Musi River Estuary flow and is a mangrove ecosystem area. Benthic diatoms are diatoms that live on the sur…
Mangroves is a type of vegetation that can be found in tropical coastal areas, which have ecological and economic functions. Mangrove ecosystems have function as buffer areas, induce land expansion…
Water pollution can have an impact on coastal biological resources, including mangroves. One example of water pollution that has an impact on mangroves is the heavy metals lead (Pb) and copper (Cu)…
Mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris is one type of mangrove that has antioxidant potential that is used by coastal communities as a wound medicine. The purpose of this study was to analyze and calculate…
Penelitian tingkat keberhasilan hidup bibit mangrove Rhizophora mucronata, R. apiculata dan Bruguiera gymnorrhiza telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus - Desember 2009 di Delta Upang Banyuasin. Tuj…
Penelitian berjudul “Karakteristik Substrat di Kawasan Pesisir Banyuasin dan Dampaknya terhadap Vegetasi Mangrove : Studi Kasus Di Daerah Sungai Barong Kecil dan Barong Besar ini dilaksanakan p…