Excessive free radical production can lead to oxidative stress that damages DNA, proteins and lipids, triggering serious neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. Oxidative damage caused by free r…
The use of antioxidants can prevent oxidative stress conditions, which cause tissue damage, due to too many free radicals in the body. The body produces antioxidant compounds such as SOD (Superoxid…
Background: Tooth extraction is a process of removing the tooth from the alveolus, which creates wound and socket. The use of plants as medicine for wound healing has been known since long time ago…
Motile Aeromonas Septicemia (MAS) adalah penyakit pada ikan air tawar yang disebabkan oleh A. hydrophila. Penyakit ini mampu mengakibatkan kematian pada ikan hingga 80%. Salah satu upaya yang dapat…
Papaya (Carica papaya L.) can be used as an altemative to treat diarrheal disease caused by infection with bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhi. This study aims to know the poten…
Candida albicans infection in the oral cavity causes oral candidiasis with high prevalence in children, adults, and in people with systemic diseases. Since using long term antifungal drugs as a the…