Appropriate nutrients are needed by children to support optimal growth and development. Household food insecurity and lack of child dietary diversity could contribute to increasing the risk of stun…
Background: Menstruation is the discharge of blood and mucous tissue through the vagina which comes from the uterus periodically every month with a span of 24-35 days. Menstruation can be affected …
Abstract. The aims of this study are to analyze the conceptual understandings and the type of misconceptions experienced by junior high school students on the Lunar Phase materials in the Earth and…
Bulan rajab dan sya'ban adalah kunci bulan-bulan kebaikan dan berkah. Abu Bakar Al-Warraq mengatakan, perumpamaan bulan Rajab seperti angin
Syahdan, ketika Adam diturunkan dari dalam surga, ia menangis mengenang cerita di surga, dikatakan sampai tiga ratus tahun, dan wajar jika ia seperti itu. Dia keluar dari sebuah negeri yang tidak …