Waste of cassava peel in large amount can give bad effect for environment. The waste of cassava peel can be used as renewable energy feedstock because of its role as an environmentally friendly bio…
Biobriket merupakan energi alternatif terbarukan yang dapat dijadikan solusi untuk mengatasi ketersediaan energi fosil yang semakin menipis. Pada penelitian ini telah dibuat biobriket dari campuran…
This research analyzed the effect of activation time and concentration of sulfuric acid and type of adhesive on the characteristics of coffee grounds biobriquettes, by determining the quality param…
The manufacture of bio briquettes from carbonized corn cobs biomass has been carried out using a furnace, with variations in carbonization temperature 400 , 500 and 600 , and variations carbonizati…
This study determined the effect of sulfuric acid concentration and kepok banana peel on the characteristics of biobriquettes according to SNI 01-6235-2000 and with varying concentrations of sulfur…
Biobriquettes have been made from renewable energy, namely biomass of rice husk, to be able for energy requirement. Rice husk contains a chemical composition of cellulose 31.12%, lignin 22.34% and …
Biobriquettes from coconut fiber have been made with a mixture of kapok banana peels and tapioca with variation in temperature and carbonization time to optimum carbonitation tempertur and time and…
The manufacture of biobriquettes from biomass in the form of empty oil palm fruit bunches with a mixture of plantain peel and tapioca adhesive has been carried out. Palm oil empty fruit bunch were …
Biobriquettes have been made from biomass using of purun tikus (Elocharis dulcis) and red meranti sawdust (Shorea parvifolia). Purun tikus and red meranti sawdust were carbonized based on temperatu…
The biocriquette made from a mixture of o palm oil shells added with banana peel and tapioca , with a composition of 80g oil palm shell, 30g tapioca and 20g kepok banana peel adhesive. Carbonizatio…
The aims of this research to evaluate the effect of carbonization time and temperature on biobriquette quality with kepok banana peel and tapioca adhesives according to SNI quality. This research w…