Bibliografi: p. 255
This study aims to determine the influence of learning motivation on the academic achievement of Mechanical Engineering Education students who work part-time. Learning motivation is an important fa…
This research aims to determine the effect of problem-based learning (PBL) on chemistry learning outcomes in high school. This research used quasi-experimental method. The samples in this study wer…
This research aims to prove that there is role for learning guidance in improving students math learning outcomes at BT 70 Indralaya branch, Ogan Iir district. This study is a descriptive quantitat…
This research aims to prove the effect of using Accurate Accounting Software on the learning motivation of class XI students majoring in Institutional Financial Accounting at SMKN 3 Palembang. This…
BSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh media pembelajaran eleaflet berbantuan aplikasi Canva terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik mata pelajaran ekonomi kelas X di SMA Negeri…
This study aims to prove the effect of the ARIAS learning model on students learning motivation in class X economics subjects at SMA Negeri 2 Palembang. This research is quantitative research with …
This research aims: 1. To determine the interest in learning physical education of students who play online games for class X Mechanical Engineering and X Light Vehicle Engineering SMKN 4 Palembang…
This research aims to prove the influence of Animaker-based animation learning media on students' learning motivation in economics subjects at SMA Negeri 2 Indralaya Utara. This type of research is…
The research aims to prove the influence of digital literacy on student learning outcomes in economics subjects at SMA Negeri 10 Palembang. Quantitative research method with correlational research …
Learning motivation is a condition that arises in individuals in the form of encouragement to do something to achieve their goals. This study aims to provide an overview of the level of learning mo…
Social media is a means or place to interact with each other without having to meet face to face, to exchange ideas remotely and a means to access information from various parts of the world. This …
This study aims to prove the effect of the discovery learning model on student learning motivation in economic subjects in class X MA Darussalam Bumi Agung. This research method is an experiment wi…
Peneliti telah melakukan pengamatan bahwa tingkat keaktifan belajar peserta didik terlihat kurang dominan saat proses pembelajaran, dari pengamatan ini peneliti ingin melihat seberapa besar faktor-…
This research aims to prove the influence of the Predict Observer Explain (POE) learning model on students' learning motivation in the Class XII Accounting subject at Alumnika Banking Vocational Sc…
This research aims to determine whether there is an influence of the E-learning based STEM model on student learning outcomes in Machine Maintenance and Repair courses. To find out whether there is…