Introduction: Controlled use of antibiotics is an indicator of the quality of hospital services because it can prevent the emergence of antimicrobial resistance and save on antibiotic use. Ultimate…
Health risks are increasing due to increased exposure to free radicals caused by radiation, cigarettes, pollution and contamination, synthetic or inorganic pesticides, other sources of free radical…
Background: Delayed management of vascular compromise in free flap procedures can escalate the risk of ischemia and necrosis. Previous research has proven that monitoring free flaps through lactate…
Background: Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the conditions in which the electrical function of the heart stops suddenly which is characterized by unconsciousness and loss of pulse and breathing..A …
Background: Indonesia ranks fifth in the world for the highest number of diabetes mellitus patients. The high number of diabetes mellitus patients necessitates good healthcare services to ensure sa…
Background: One of the most common causes of death and disability worldwide is ischemic stroke. The death and damage of brain cells caused by ischemic stroke can disrupt various body functions, whi…
Background: Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease in women due to the presence of ectopic endometrial tissue. Endometriosis has a negative impact on a woman's quality of life, so prompt i…
Self-medication is one of the ways common society all over the world did to maintain health and solve common health issues without the help of medical team. The aim of this study is to determine th…
Energy is one of the basic human needs. Economic growth and population growth in a country which continues to increase is directly proportional to the growth in energy needs required by society. In…
Digitalisasi telah mengubah lanskap transportasi dengan layanan online yang memudahkan akses tetapi juga menciptakan ketergantungan. Selama lebih dari tujuh tahun, penggunaan transportasi online di…
Buildings are one of the causal factors of global warming because buildings have the potential to produce more than 40% of carbon gas emissions. One way to overcome the problem of global warming in…
PT Bukit Asam is one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) which focuses on operating in the energy sector based on coal mining. PT Bukit Asam is an open pit mine located in Tanjung Enim, Muaraenim…
Poverty is a multidimensional problem in development. Addressing the issue of poverty goes beyond understanding the cause and effect relationships that lead to poverty. It also involves considerati…
Most of the total waste ends up being thrown directly into rivers with sources dominated by household waste. Dumping of waste into river also occurs on the riverbanks of Subdistrict 13 Ulu, Palemba…
The river is one of the water sources with great potential that can be utilized for various activities. Basic sanitation is a minimum environmental health requirement that every family must have to…
Waste is one of the problems in the city of Palembang, so the government is anticipating it by building TPS spread across the city of Palembang. However, in reality, many TPS do not have waste mana…
The COVID-19 pandemic is officially designated as non-natural national disaster. A spatial assessment of COVID-19 risk is needed to assess risk characteristics based on the likelihood and impact of…
The Covid-19 pandemic has had the greatest impact on the psychological condition of health workers who work in hospitals. The psychological disorders felt by health workers, especially nurses, are …
Masa Remaja adalah tahap transisi dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa, dimana masa ini sangat berpengaruh dengan kualitas kesehatan reproduksi. Posyandu remaja adalah kegiatan berbasis kesehatan y…
Praktik kebersihan penjamah dan sanitasi kantin yang buruk dapat menciptakan gangguan kesehatan sehat seperti penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh makanan. Selain itu, tingkat kepadatan lalat yang tinggi…
Stunting is a nutritional problem that needs attention because it cannot be resolved completely around the world. Stunting itself is a nutritional problem that is not only caused by factors that af…
The issue of mental disorders has begun to be raised in recent years. Mental disorders can be suffered by anyone from young people to the elderly. Not a few workers in Indonesia experience what is …
JKN is a program of the Indonesian Government to create Universal Health Coverage (UHC) asmandated by Law no. 40/2004 SJSN. The achievement of UHC in Palembang City in June 2023 has reached 100%, a…
Head lice infestation, Pediculosis capitis, is caused by the parasitic insect Pediculus humanus capitis on the skin and scalp of humans. The prevalence of Pediculosis capitis worldwide is quite hig…
Stunting is a global problem that impacts the future of the nation. The prevalence of stunting in Ogan Ilir Regency is still relatively high at 24.9%. Access to health services and environmental fa…
Water is the main human need that is used continuously. The role of water is very important because it is used for consumption, h ousehold needs, industry and other vital facilities. PDAM is a gove…
The physical condition of the house can influence the incidence of diarrhea in an area. The basic sanitation aspects of houses in settlements around the Komering River, Indralaya District, are stil…