Channel planning by using the Manning formula Manning roughness coefficient (n) as one of the parameters that are influenced by the surface roughness of the channel. If the channel is planned to ha…
Indonesia pada saat ini memasuki pembangunan dalam era reformasi yang bertujuan mewujudkan bangsa yang maju dan mandiri serta sejahtera lahir dan batin bagi tahap pembangunan berikutnya menuju masy…
This research present the model study on the relation between rainfall pattem and surface run off flows of a small catchment area. The influences of catchment area characteristics such as land use,…
In actual field case, research about ground water flow is difficult to carry aout, for this reason ground water head and characteristics is studied through ground water hydraulic model at laborator…
Kondisi geografis Indonesia terdiri dari banyak sungai. Pada umumnya bentuk morfologi sungai berubah-ubah dari kondisi lurus dibagian hulu menjadi berkelok disebelah hilirnya, karena pada bagian in…
At this time the construction of a construction is growing very rapidly, for the progress of a city, one of which is the construction of a residential area. One of the important factors in housing …