This research aims to examine the effect of KAP reputation, company size, and audit tenure on audit quality in food and beverage subsector companies listed on the IDX in 2018-2022. The method used …
Companies going public have a responsibility to share their financial information with the general public. Therefore, every management will work hard to provide better service. This research aims t…
This study aims to analyze the influence of profitability, solvency, firm size, firm age, and audit tenure on audit delay public before and during Covid-19 pandemic with accounting firm size as a m…
This study aims to analyze the effect of gender diversity of commissioners and audit committees, as well as audit fees on audit quality. This empirical research focuses on property and real estate …
This study aims to examine the effect of Internal Audit, effectiveness of internal control, and Whistleblowing System on fraud prevention in the state-owned company listed in Indonesia stock Exchan…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh komposisi komite audit, ukuran perusahaan, dan solvabilitas terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan audit delay sebagai variabel mediasi. P…
This study aims to analyze the effect of audit fees, audit rotation, and auditor’s reputation on audit quality with firm size as a moderation variable. The sample for this study is financial sect…
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics and ownership structures on audit fees. The observed factors of CEO characteristics include gender…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh reputasi auditor dan efektivitas komite audit terhadap manajemen laba sebelum dan selama pandemi COVID-19.Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode …
This research aims to determine the impact of (1) audit quality (2) environmental social governance on the firm value. The method used in this research is the quantitative method. The population in…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh ukuran perusahaan dan reputasi auditor terhadap kualitas audit. Sempel penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor industri yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek …
This research aims to examine and analyze the influence of environmental costs, environmental disclosure, and environmental audit on financial report performance. The population for this study cons…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatahui pengaruh Audit Fee, Audit Rotation, dan Audit Tenure Terhadap Kualitas Audit. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perbankan di Indonesia pada perio…
This research aims to measure the influence and analyze whether the quality of internal audit, internal controls, and organizational culture have an impact on the implementation of Good Corporate G…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh financial distress, leverage, likuiditas, dan profitabilitas terhadap opini audit going concern pada Perusahaan real estate dan properti yang terd…
This research aims to determine the effect of audit quality, audit report lag, financial distress and CEO financial expertise on the integrity of financial reports in banking subsector companies li…
This study aims to empirically examine the effect of carbon emissions disclosure, environmental performance and audit committees on firm value. The environmental factors observed include disclosure…
This study aims to test the influence of company size, debt to equity ratio, and audit opinion on the length of time for audit completion in banking companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in …
his study aims to analyze the effect of Audit Tenure, Public Ownership, Financial Disress, Audit Delay and Audit Committee on Auditor Switching Before and After the Covid 19 Pandemic Basic Industry…
This research aims to examine the effect of impelentation of big data analytics, the size of the public accounting firm and audit opinion on audit delays in banking, telecommunications and transpor…
This study aims to examine the effect of financial stability, financial leverage, financial targets and rationalization of fraudulent financial statement. The population used in this study is banki…
Audit report lag is the time lag between the company's closing year report and the auditor's completion schedule for the audited financial report. This research is a type of quantitative research w…
This research aims to empirically examine the effect of age, gender, and educational background diversity of board of commissioners on company value, and examines whether the size of the company ac…
The purpose of this study was to empirically test the phenomenon / evaluate the effect of Internal Control and Whistleblowing System on Fraud Prevention in Village Fund Management in Regional Villa…
This research aims to determine the influence of motives, capability, and possibility on fraudulent financial statements in manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry listed on the Indo…
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui dan menganalisis peran auditor internal di Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur sebagai pengawas, konsultan, dan katalisator secara kualitatif. J…
This study aims to examine the effect of financial stability, external pressure, ineffective monitoring, change in auditor, and change in director on financial statement fraud. The population used …
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of competence, fee audit, audit committee, and leverage on audit quality in lq45 companies listed on the IDX for the 2019-2021 period. The rese…
This study aims to examine the effect of audit fees, auditor workload, audit risk, and audit planning on audit quality. The population used in this study were auditors who worked in public accounti…