The current technological advancements have encompassed various areas, including digital entertainment. Digital entertainment, particularly video games and streaming videos, is utilized by develope…
Disney+ Hotstar as an audio and video distribution service provider using the internet (Over-The-Top) gets a low rating on Google Play Store, in turn it’s essential to be focus on the application…
Agriculture is a vast sector and has an important role in Indonesia. Agricultural tools and machinery (known as alsintan), agricultural tool technology to help farmers manage land and agricultural …
By playing Internet the Of Things (IoT) to make easy for farmers to integrate soil conditions, farmers’ work is more efficient with design an IoT-based soil environmental monitoring website on sm…
Digiroom by Auto 2000 is an application provided by Auto 2000 to make it easier for consumers to access service services at Auto 2000. Even though the application has a rating of 4.5 on Playstore, …
This research aims to investigate the use of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and Solidity smart contracts in simulating goods delivery in Supply Chain Management (SCM). The chosen …
Dinas Pendidikan Kota Palembang masih menerapkan sistem pengarsipan dengan menyimpan surat tersebut di dalam kotak kemudia disimpan ke dalam gudang pengarsipan. Tujuan pembuatan aplikasi pengarsipa…
The Indralaya District Religious Affairs Office is a government agency authorized to carry out some of the duties of the Ministry of Religion, such as marriage registration. However, in carrying ou…
Menyisipkan pesan teks yang telah dienkripsi ke dalam citra berformat RGB merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Perubahan data dan penyembunyian data dilakukan demi menjaga makna asli suatu informa…
Tuleap is an open-source website to provides internal IT services for the company PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. However, the results of the interview showed that this site has several shortcomings…
There are several previous studies which are the background for the author in formulating problems related to the prototype power supply system for solar cellbased plant monitoring tools, the final…
An information system is a system that provides information for management in making decisions and also to carry out operations company, where the system is a combination of people, information tec…
Tax is the main source of revenue for the government that must be paid by individuals to the government as a financial contribution to finance public expenditures and services by the government to …
Build Id is a website and application-based marketplace that provides various construction needs, both products and services. The Build Id design by PT Semen Baturaja Tbk is aimed at the community …
E-learning at Sriwijaya University is an electronic learning system used to provide education and training to students through an online platform. In its use, e-learning provides students with the …
The increasing number of cases of overweight makes this a problem that continues to increase. Based on the results of the Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2018, the prevalence of being overweig…
Official study tutoring is now an option for students to help them prepare for further education. Tutoring management usually prepares certain strategies to help students enter the intended service…
South Sumatra Light Rail Transit Management Center is one of the public service managers in the field of railways in South Sumatra. The South Sumatra Light Rail Transit Management Center often cond…
Traveloka mobile app is a service that offers accommodation and travel products, provided by PT Trinusa Travelindo. The study aims to find out how satisfied users are with the Traveloka mobile app.…
In today's digital era, the government needs an integrated dynamic archival information system that facilitates electronic storage and management of archives. One of the integrated dynamic archival…
Gofood is an online food delivery service from the Gojek application, which in the last 3 years has experienced a diminishing market share as a result of Gofood user loyalty is not maintained. This…
The rapid development of technology today has provided convenience for us in today's civilization. One of these developments is the invention of the internet due to high internet penetration and ra…
Mobile banking has become an integral part of modern banking services, and user satisfaction with these applications is crucial in enhancing digital banking services using the System Usability Scal…
Currently,the PlajuDarat Subdistrict Office does not have an integrated system to manage subdistrict potential data such as agricultural data collection.Jisheries potential,livestock potential,craf…
Marketplace BuildID is an application which is based-on marketplace developed by PT. Semen Baturaja. This marketplace is useful for increasing sales, promotion and marketing. BuildID is available i…
E-government services have a role in application development, IT governance and E-government development. Employees at the Jambi Province Communication and Informatics Office (DISKOMINFO), especial…
The problem encountered by the author at Sinar Baru Wood Depot, the author found that there were several problems, namely errors often occur in recording orders from customers which is because tran…
Brain tumors are still a dangerous and deadly disease that can affect anyone, including children. Brain tumors can be detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination. This study aims to cl…
Toko Melda is a shop that sells various staple goods and household needs. In daily life, Toko Melda still uses system management manually, where customers have to come directly 10 buy goods, so it …
The Complaint Management Application for Plaju Darat Subdistrict is a digital solution designed to efficiently address citizen complaints. This application enables residents to report issues such a…