Motor control is a broad trem that means anything from a simple toggle switch to a complex system with components such as relays, timer, and switches. the common fuction of all controls, however, i…
Electric Motors and motor control, 2nd edition, is intended to help student electrician, and practicing electricians learn how motor operate and how to instal them. the book helps students understa…
Electricity as one of the main sources of energy in modern human life have a very vital part in our daily live. However, there is so many cases of power outage that happen caused by interference or…
Tranformator merupakan alat listrik yang memiliki fungsi sebagai pemindah energi dengan prinsip induksi elektromagnetik.. Sebagian besarmminyak isolasi yang digunakan pada Transformator berasal dar…
Bahan- bahan listrik sangat banyak ragamnya pada pabrikasi peralatan listrik. Untuk itu pengetahuan tentang bahan- bahan Listrik adalah sangat diperlukan bagi seorang ahli listrik, baik yang bekeci…