Daun mangrove Avicennia marina merupakan sumber potensial fungsional yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesehatan karena mengandung senyawa antioksidan sebagai penghambat reaksi radikal bebas dan senyaw…
Free radicals in the human body can cause a chain reaction, it is because free radicals have 1 unpaired electron in their outermost orbitals, which will damage the cells of the human body and cause…
The waters of Bungus Bay have important role because of the many activities that occur in these waters. This is the main reason for tidal current modeling using MIKE21 software. This study uses bat…
The increased use of plastic waste can cause pollution to the aquatic environment. Plastic waste in waters takes a very long time to degrade into small plastic particles called microplastics. Micro…
ABSTRACT : Use of plastic packaging has triggered the accumulation of garbage in the oceans and caused water polution. The plastic in subsequent waters will be degraded into smaller sizes. Micropla…
Red snapper has the opportunity to be cultivated in low salinity. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a gradual salinity decrease on the survival rate and growth of red snapper s…
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants based on the source are divided into two, namely natural antioxidants derived from …
The spread of phytoplankton in waters cannot be separated from the content of chlorophyll-a. The concentration of chlorophyll-a in phytoplankton is closely related to the physical and chemical para…
The variety of image products available today provide convenience in monitoring the chlorophyll-a indicator in a waters. The importance of choosing satellite images that have high accuracy is one w…
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is an important factor studied. SST can affect the life of organisms in the waters. Changes in SST in the waters can occur in the time span of daily, weekly and yearly…
Seaweed in Indonesia has potential as an antioxidant. One of the seaweeds that have potential is Eucheuma cottonii. Eucheuma cottonii seaweed is one type of seaweed that has the ability to inhibit …
Sungsang is a residential area on the coast of Banyuasin. Human activities can cause changes in water quality. Polychaeta is one of the benthic animals that will experience changes in compisition d…
Pelabuhan Panjang is one of the open ports for ocean going, domestic shipping or national shipping in Lampung province. Shipping activity at Pelabuhan Panjang is so high that bathymetry and tidal s…
Microplastics are a threat to ecosystems in coastal areas, especially the Musi River estuary. Microplastics are small pieces of plastic waste (≤ 5 mm). Plastic materials that are very difficult t…
Muara Upang merupakan salah satu muara yang berasal dari aliran Sungai Musi di Sumatera Selatan dengan kualitas perairan yang dinamis. Fitoplankton adalah organisme perairan yang kehidupannya sanga…
ABSTRAK Ruspa Indah. 08051181621017. Akumulasi Logam Berat Hg, Pb dan Cu Pada Daging dan Insang Ikan Belanak di Perairan Muara Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan (Pembimbing: Dr. Wike Ayu Eka Putri, S.P…
The water of Muara Upang, located in Banyuasin, South Sumatra, are thought to be a nursery area for meroplankton to be used as germplasm for fisheries resources because it has a mangrove ecosystem.…
Muara Upang adalah salah satu muara dari aliran Sungai Musi yang digunakan untuk berbagai macam aktivitas seperti tempat mencari ikan, daerah pemukiman bagi penduduk dan juga digunakan sebagai sara…
Perairan Muara Sungai Upang merupakan perairan yang banyak digunakan oleh para nelayan untuk berbagai kegiatan seperti mencari ikan, jalur transportasi air maupun kebutuhan penduduk. Hubungan nitra…
Muara Sungai Upang merupakan salah satu bagian dari aliran Sungai Musi, dengan segala aktivitas yang berada di pesisir Sungai Upang berpengaruh terhadap dinamika perairan muara Sungai Upang. Peneli…
Total Suspended Solid (TSS) merupakan bahan-bahan tersuspensi (diameter >1μm) yang terdiri atas lumpur dan pasir halus, biasa disebabkan oleh kikisan tanah atau erosi tanah yang terbawa ke badan a…
The Banyuasin Coast is a mangrove forest ecosystem with great potential. Mangrove forest areas are closely related to fish resources, so information on potential fish resources is important to stud…
Kijing International Port is a national strategic project from the central government that is in the RZWP3K planning for West Kalimantan Province. The impact of this port development is felt by tra…
The Banyuasin teritorial waters has benefits in different sectors such as the transportation sector and the fisheries sector. In addition, in Banyuasin Regency there is a conservation area of Berba…
Copepoda merupakan salah satu kelompok yang mendominansi populasi zooplankton di perairan. Kelimpahan copepoda dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator suatu perairan karena merupakan salah satu makanan b…
Coral reefs are marine ecosystems that function as island protectors from waves and act as shelters, foraging and spawning for associated biota. Parrot Fish has a positive impact in maintaining or …
Vibriosis merupakan suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh infeksi patogen golongan Vibrio yang dapat mengakibatkan kematian ikan mencapai lebih dari 80% pada budidaya ikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini…
Sektor perikanan di perairan Selat Bangka berdampak besar terhadap perikanan tangkap sehingga informasi mengenai daerah penangkapan ikan sangat diperlukan guna untuk membantu nelayan dalam melakuka…
Perairan Muara Upang umumnya digunakan oleh masyarakat sekitar untuk sarana transportasi air, menangkap ikan, dan aktivitas pertanian sehingga akan mempengaruhi kualitas perairan. Fitoplankton sang…
Zooplankton is a planktonic organism that can be one of the indicators of fertility in a water. Changes in water quality will affect the abundance and distribution of zooplankton. This research was…