Sexual and reproductive rights are fundamental rights that every human being has. Sexual and reproductive rights also guarantee the freedom of every individual to make decisions about their own bod…
Seiring dengan adanya kemajuan informasi yang secara cepat serta persaingan antar ekonomi di dunia internasional semakin meningkat. Persaingan ekonomi juga harus ditingkatkan pada negara berkembang…
Beberapa negara di dunia mengesahkan sebuah persetujuan yang secara resmi di tanda tangani pada tahun 2015 yaitu program SDG’s atau Sustainable Development Goals atau yang lebih dikenl dengan Bah…
This research discusses the "Relationship of Peer Social Support with Academic Achievement of Junior High School Adolescents in Aisyiyah Orphanage in Prabumulih" using both quantitative and qualita…
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) merupakan sebuah bentuk kerangka kerjasama perdagangan dan ekonomi yang memiliki 16 negara anggota yaitu 10 negara ASEAN dengan mitra ekonominya y…
PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), where PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang is a company that has contributed to supporting the government in carrying out foo…
This study aims to find out how the efforts made by the Kyrgyz government in implementing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in dealing with the …
This research is entitled ''Lapo Tuak as a public space from the perspective of Jurgen Habermas in Sinaman Labah Village, Simalungun Regency''. The purpose of this research is to find out about Lap…
Oil palm is a plantation commodity that brings many uses and has economic value, because every part of the plant can be processed into quality goods that can bring huge profits which of course have…
This study aims to describe Indonesia’s interest in establishing cooperation with South Korea in the field of E-Government. South Korea is a country that plays an important role in terms of techn…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran United Nation Children’s Fund (UNICEF) dalam menurunkan angka stunting di Indonesia selama pandemi covid tahun 2019-2022. Stunting yang selalu men…
Pembajakan digital merupakan tindakan kriminal melalui internet yang mencuri hak kekayaan intelektual meliputi film, musik, software, game, dan segala jenis bentuk produk digital yang ada di intern…
The Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers and Member of their Families is an international regulation/regime that establises legal standards for the rights of migrant workers and member of th…
The research aims to analyze the dynamics of the Indonesia-European Union Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (I-EU CEPA) negotiations in the context of Government Procurement of Goods/Ser…
Indonesia's G-20 presidency provides direct benefits to Indonesia's economic sector. There are two tracks in the G-20 discussion, namely finance track and sherpa track. The sherpa track focuses on …
This study aims to find out the efforts made by Indonesia through the 2022 sports tourism event in increasing tourism and the country's economy after the covid-19 pandemic. In this study using Mark…
This study aims to determine how Ethiopia's securitization efforts are in strengthening the security system, especially in the maritime sector in the AIM 2050 strategy. The dynamics that occur in E…
Tiongkok dan Amerika Serikat merupakan dua negara yang memiliki sumber daya yang besar atau bisa disebut sebagai dengan negara adidaya. Dengan adanya kekuatan yang besar tersebut Tiongkok dan juga …
This study aims to see how the strategy of the #FCTCuntukIndonesia social movement is in encouraging the government to ratify the FCTC (Framework Convention of Tobacco Control). By using the social…
This study aims to determine the role of Immigration Office Class I TPI Padang in supervising foreign workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in West Sumatera Province. Foreign Workers (TKA) are forei…
Belt and Road Initiative is definitely one of China's main foreign policies of the decade. China embarked on efforts to realize the Belt and Road Initiative in Indonesia, one example of which is to…
Defense diplomacy carried out by Indonesia through the Super Garuda Shield in 2022 is one of the multilateral military exercises in the Indo-Pacific region, which at first was only between the Indo…
This rescarch is important to discuss because it will answer the reasons behind the peace mission policy taken by President Joko Widodo in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This study aims to analvre th…
This study alms to explain how Indonesia's efforts to increase exports of the footwear industry at United States of America market, the increase in exports of the footwear industry to the United St…
Kerjasama pengembangan pesawat tempur KFX/IFX antara Indonesia – Korea Selatan merupakan proyek besar nasional kedua negara dalam memenuhi kepentingan masing-masing negara dalam bidang pertahanan…
Diplomatic relations are relations carried out between one country and another to fulfill the interests of each country. This research explains the agreement on the normalization of diplomatic rela…
This research is entitled "The Relationship between Social and Economic Status of Families with Stunting Incidents in Ilir Barat I District, Palembang City". This study aims to understand the socia…
The This study aims to see how the role of Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) in responding to the international issue of the Union for the Protection of new Varieties of Plant (UPOV) in the Indone…