The application of the Online Single Submission in Pagar Alam City is a service innovation that is implemented at the DPMPSTK so that licensing runs effectively, especially for the type of restaura…
This study discusses the Capacity Development of Environmental Supervisory Officials in the Environment and Land Service of South Sumatra Province based on the Grindle Theory on the dimension of hu…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kebijakan Berbasis Bukti telah diterapkan dalam perencanaan anggaran pada Sekretariat Daerah Kota Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian …
Lubuklinggau City has a stunting rate of 19%, which is quite high. In fact, this city is an area that can be an example and is superior because access in this area is more affordable. This study ai…
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the actor network in the Seed Information System (Si-Benih) program by the Food Crops Agriculture and lHorticulture Office of South Sumatra Pro…
This study aims to find out and analyze the efforts of the BKPSDM in enforcing ASN work discipline in Ogan Ilir Regency. The background of this research is the high level of violations of ASN work …
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tidak tercapainya realisasi penerimaan Pajak Hiburan oleh Badan Pengelolaan Pajak Daerah Kota Palembang pada tahun 2020. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk…
This research is entitled "Implementation of E-Government in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Sumatra Province (Study of the Use of Integrated Hajj Information and Computeri…
The provision of accessibility to public transportation for people with disabilities is still a problem. This is because there are still many complaints coming from people with disabilities regardi…
Public healt center have an important role in the implementation of “Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat (STBM)” the pillar of household garbage protection, because they are at the forefront of …
This study aims to analyze whether organizational commitment can be an indirect influence of organizational culture and leadership on employee performance. The data used in this study is primary da…
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the agenda that were declared in the general assembly of the United Nations at the end of 2015 and must be achieved together in 2030 to create a better w…
Regional Public Company (PERUMDA) Tirta Musi is a company engaged in providing clean water to the community. But in providing services there are still problems that are obtained, one of which is no…
This research is titled "Accountability of Disbursement Of Old Age Guarantee fund (OAGF) at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Palembang Branch". This research aims to find out and obtain a clear picture of the …
This research is entitled "Strategic Planning for Domestic and Foreign Investment Promotion Activities in the Field of Promotion at the Investment Service and One-Stop Services of South Sumatra Pro…
This study aims to identify the impact of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policies on the happiness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Ilir Barat I District, Palembang City by…
This thesis is a scientific study that discusses the Leadership Capabilities of Women's Village Heads in Kaliwungu Village, Kalirejo District, Central Lampung Regency. In carrying out governance in…
The title of this research is "Analysis of Stakeholder Roles in the Implementation of Special Disability Outreach Program at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Palembang City.". The ob…
This research is motivated by the ignorance of the community in the 15 ulu sub-district of Palembang regarding public service innovations based on the sidemang application in the village and there …
This research is entitled "Strategy for Implementing Electronic Tax (E-Tax) in Palembang City". The background of this research is that since 2018 the implementation of E-Tax in the city of Palemba…
This study aims to determine how the actuating function in the implementation of basic immunization activities at Pasar Prabumulih Health Center. This research is motivated by the existence of prob…
This rescarch aims to identify the efforts made by the Plaju Sub-District Government to ensure the sustainability development of the Tegur Sapa program. The research adopts a qualitative approach t…
Masalah ketidakadilan gender merupakan salah satu bentuk ketidakadilan sosial di Indonesia yang selalu menjadi tema menarik dan tetap akan menjadi tema urgensi dalam setiap pemikiran dan perencanaa…
This research was conducted bearing in mind the importance of the implementation of public services provided by ASN as public servants. This study aims to identify Employee Public Service Motivatio…
Ade Alvin Okta Priana. Implementation of the Village Government Work Plan for Development in Mandala Sari Village, Lalan District, Musi Banyuasin Regency. This study aims to find out how successful…
The traffic order village is a pilot area, in which there are all series in managing safe, smooth and orderly traffic activities, this has the aim that the people in an area can be educated in driv…
This research is motivated by the planning of the Palembang City Government in overcoming flooding and bad odors by restoring the Sekanak-Lambidaro River which in the future will be turned into a c…
This undergraduate thesis aims to discover how the Industry and Trade office of Jambi Province implements the issuance of a business trade license for duty-free alcoholic beverages. This study used…
ABSTRAK Masalah penelitian ini dapat dilihat dari kondisi kualitas pelayanan publik dalam pengurusan Kartu Keluarga terdapat beberapa masalah yaitu proses penerbitan KK itu melebihi waktu yag sudah…
This study discusses the evaluation of the monitoring and evaluation program for land use location permits and business use rights by the environmental and land services of the province of South Su…