This research is using research and development method. This study specifically develops a problem-based learning model that has a syntax that is directing students to problems, organizing students…
This study aims to develop a folklore that developed in the Tanah Abang environment, namely the Legend of the Bumiayu Temple. The legend is in the form of an oral story which is converted into a ba…
Variations of the Manggarai Language Dialect of East Nusa Tenggara ABSTRACT The study, entitled "Variations of Manggarai Language Dialects" aims to describe the different dialect variations of the …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil analisis tentang bentuk tindak tutur direktif pada film Habibie & Ainun serta implikasinya terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kelas XI SM…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk ekranisasi novel Dua Garis Biru karya Lucia Priandarini ke bentuk film Dua Garis Biru karya Gina S. Noer dan implikasinya dalam pembelajaran Ba…
The problem examined in this research is the moral value in the collection of short stories Tukar Takdir by Valiant Budi and its implementation in literary learning. The moral values used use the t…
This study aims to understand the types and forms of illocutionary speech acts in 4 video podcasts on Deddy Corbuzier's Youtube Channel. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative researc…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui kebutuhan guru dan siswa terhadap media audio berbasis Podcast Spotify pada keterampilan menyimak dalam pembelajaran memahami puisi rakyat siswa kelas …
This study aims to (1) describe the results of the needs analysis of students and teachers of class X SMA Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang in learning to write anecdotal texts using e-module-based teaching…
This study aims to present motivational values that are often found in everyday life. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The research data comes from the novel Negeri 5 Menara by Ahmad…
This study examines the personality of the main character in the novel Dilan, Dia Adalah Dilanku Tahun 1990 by Pidi Baiq. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Research data sourced from …
The objectives of this study were to find out the correlation and the contribution between students’ flourishing level and their willingness to speak (WTS). The purposive sampling technique was u…
The problem of this research is the structure of the chronological investigation of the news of the plane crash on the Tamara Delv youtube channel and its game in Indonesian language learning. This…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kebutuhan siswa dan guru kelas VII SMP PGRI 1 Palembang terhadap video pembelajaran berbasis animaker dalam menulis teks prosedur, (2) menghasilka…
This research is a research and development method. The purpose of this research is to produce a product in the form of digital scrapbook media in learning to write short stories based on folklore …
The issue of this research is about language manners on President Joko Widodo’s Youtube comment that using pragmatic study and related to learning Indonesia language. There is two purpose on this…
This research has puspose to (1) describe the results of learning media needs using Microsoft PowerPoint integrated with the Ispring Suite based on a scientific approach in explanatory text learnin…
The purpose of this study is to describe what and how the cultural elements contained in the collection of short stories "Sepasang Sepatu Tua" by Sapardi Djoko Damono and to find out the implicatio…
Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah kritik sosial yang terkandung di dalam kumpulan cerpen Bintang di Langit Baiturrahman dan implikasinya dalam pembelajaran sastra di SMA. Pende…
The research method used in this paper is research and development. The purpose of this research is to produce a development product in the form of Professional 3D Pageflip-based Electronic Module …
This research is to know whether or not there is an influence of the imagination suggestion method with the wonderful Indonesian vlog media on poetry writing skills in class X SMA Muhammadiyah 6 Pa…
This study aims to describe the environmental issues represented in the novel Sampah di Laut, Meira by Mawan Belgia and to describe the implications of ecocriticism in the novel Sampah di Laut, Mei…
This study aims to describe (1) the results of the needs analysis of class X SMA Srijaya Negara in poetry writing, (2) the design of android-based learning media using Appy Pie in poetry writing, (…
This study aims to describe the representation of patriarchal ideology in the novel Rumanti; Bukan Perempuan Biasa by Achmad Munif with the novel When Miss Ugly Married Mr. Perfect by Dinda Yana. T…
The problem raised in this research is the process of transfer (ecranization) that occurs in the novels and films of Bumi Manusia and its implications in learning literature in schools. The transfe…
This study aims to describe the function of Guritan Besemah's oral literature Pagar Alam for the supporting community. The type of research used is a qualitative research with descriptive method. T…
This study aims to describe the perspective of ecophenomenology that contained in selected short stories by Kompas for the 2013–2019 period and its implications for learning Indonesian Literature…
This study aims to describe the form of violation of the principle of politeness in language comments on the lambeturah_official's instagram account and its implications in learning Indonesian. Thi…
This study aims to produce a development product in the form of learning media using the Discord application on advertising text material for class VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Indralaya. The type…