Cooking oil is one of the nine components of the community's staple food needs, this causes a tendency for the demand for cooking oil to always be there. Consumer household demand for packaged cook…
Drying is the process of reducing or even eliminating a certain amount of water or liquid in a material. This research aims to test the performance of a rack-type drying machine with a glass heater…
This study aims to: 1) Analyze the social psychological, ecological, economic and cultural conditions that cause social entropy around the Slaughterhouse in Gandus Village, Palembang City. 2) Formu…
Indonesia is an agricultural country located in the tropics which is rich in horticultural crops. This plant has a high price and provides an opportunity to compete in the market. One of the most d…
Oil palm (Elaeis guinensis Jacq.) were important producer of eminent vegetable oil especially in Indonesia. However in the cultivation effort of oil palm plants were constrained by one of them was …
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Dana Alokasi Khusus Sektor Pertanian dan Luas Lahan terhadap Nilai Tukar Petani di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Provin…
This study aims to determine the effect of the percentage of mocaf flour and red bean flour and baking temperature on the physical and chemical characteristics of cookies. This research was conduct…
The objective research was to determine the effect of gambir catechin extract addition on the characteristics of instant robusta coffee. The experiment was conducted at Chemical, Processing, and Se…
This study aims to (1) calculate and compare the income of rice farmers in Pulokerto Village, Gandus District before the flood and after the flood, (2) analyze the welfare level of rice farmer hous…
The agricultural commodity zoning approach can overcome the problem of less productive land to become land with more productive commodities. To build a strong, high-productivity, efficient, highly …
Cucurbitaceous plants are horticultural crops that are widely cultivated by farmers in each growing season. Cucurbitaceous plants are plants which need intensive cares. Various constraints that inh…
Tanaman buah hortikultura yang banyak dibudidayakan masyarakat adalah tanaman pepaya, hal ini dikarenakan pepaya mudah dalam pembudidayaannya, harga ekonomis serta permintan pasar tinggi. Peningkat…
Penelitian telah dilaksanakan di Kebun Riset Karet (3ᵒ14’03ᵒS 104ᵒ38’14ᵒE) Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sriwijaya, Kecamatan Indralaya Utara, Ogan Ilir, Sumatra Selatan pada bulan De…
Ceratocystis sp. is a pathogen that attacks various types of host plants, one of which is the duku plant (Lansium domesticum). This pathogen attacks the vascular tissue of the duku plant causing wi…
This research aims to determine and study the performance test of a rubber-wheeled hand tractor with variations in plowing depth, speed, and load weight on fuel consumption during plowing in dry la…
This study aims to (1) Identifying the conditions and causes of floods on paddy fields in Danau Rata Village, Sungai Rotan District, Muara Enim Regency, (2) Analyzing the household income of rice f…
Cooking oil is one of the nine staple food needed by household in their daily life for cooking. Before purchasing cooking oil, consumers will consider several attributes attached to the product and…
Tujuan pada penelitian ini untuk mengetahui komoditas yang menjadi unggulandan pergeseran komoditas di sektor pertanian pada Kabupaten Ogan KomeringIlir. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini me…
This study aims to measure the concentration of AB Mix and the performance of the NFT hydroponic system on Brassica Juncea L. cultivation. This research was carried out from October 2022 to Decembe…
This research aimed to determine the effect of maltodextrin addition on the characteristics of instant cascara powder drink. This Research used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (RAL) co…
One of the agricultural commodities in Musi Banyuasin which has the potential to downstream but has not been developed optimally is the Gambir plan downstream. The only area in Musi Banyuasin that …
This study aims to determine the effect of the use of plant regulators and types of cuttings material on the growth of yellow sage plants (Lantana camara L.). The research was conducted at Sekar Ha…
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan kimia permen jelly sari isi dan empulur buah nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) berdasarkan tingkat penambahan konsentrasi gelatin yang …
The purpose of the study was to determine effect of the watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) ratio parts and water to the physical and chemical characteristics of nata de citrullus. This research was con…
This research was aimed to examine the storage age of wet robusta coffee and cylinder rotation speed to the performance of horizontal single cylinder type peeling machine. This treatment was conduc…
This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility of using a horizontal type soil crusher and screening machine. This research was be carried out in November 2021 until completion at the Worksho…
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of the addition of calamansi juice on the characteristics of sheet carrot jam. This research was conducted from June 2022 to July 2022 at …
This research aimed to determine effect of type of solvent using MAE method on the characteristics colour of cassave leaf extract (Manihot Utilissima Pohl.). This research used a Non-Factorial Comp…
This study aims to determine the capacity of the flour mill type roll mill, tapioca flour yield, power efficiency on the roll mill type flour machine and the grinding quality of tapioca starch on t…
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding hunkwe porridge to the ice cream formula on the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of the resulting ice cream. This resea…