In 2018, there was a tsunami natural disaster that hit Palu Bay and its surroundings, including Donggala Regency and Palu City Coast which were affected by the tsunami disaster. The aftermath of th…
Sampah plastik berukuran makro (besar) terdegredasi menjadi sampah plastik berukuran mikro (kecil) di air laut memerlukan waktu 8 minggu – mencapai tahunan. Pembentukan jenis-jenis polietilen, po…
The economic value of the mangrove ecosystem in TNS cannot be separated from the existence of the people in TNS who depend heavily on the mangrove ecosystem for their lives. Remote sensing and GIS …
Muara merupakan daerah pesisir yang menjadi tempat pertemuan antara air laut dan air tawar sehingga muara memiliki sebuah proses sedimentasi yang tinggi dan rendah karena dipengaruhi dari pasang su…
Kawasan perairan Taman Nasional Sembilang merupakan kawasan yang terletak di Pesisir Timur Sumatera Selatan. Aktivitas- aktivitas di kawasan perairan Taman Nasional Sembilang berpotensi menurunkan …
The diversity of fishery resources in Sembilang National Park is very abundant which includes commodities of high economic value such as mantis shrimp, cockle shells and jellyfish, but the potentia…
Vannamei shrimp cultivation cannot be separated from problems that hinder the development of aquaculture business, including infectious diseases caused by parasites. One of the many parasites that …
Bacterial isolation is a step to transfer microorganisms from their environment to the growth medium. Bacterial transfer aims to obtain bacteria that are no longer mixed with other bacteria or are …
Bivalves are natural resources that play a role in Indonesian waters. People usually eat the meat and leave the shells of the shells. This unused shellfish can cause other problems, especially envi…
Rivers are the main route for plastic to enter the ocean, including the Musi River Estuary. Characteristics of bacteria capable of degrading plastic waste through polymerase enzymes. The purpose of…
Speciation studies of Cr3+ and Cr6+ ions have been carried out using the potentiometric method of the concentration cell system. The purpose of the study was to determine the levels of metal ion sp…
SMFC is a development of the concept of the use of Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) with the concept of planting anodes in anoxic sediments and cathodes located in the water column. This experimental res…
The Musi River estuary is used by the community for various activities such as transportation, agriculture and residential areas. This condition causes pollution in the aquatic environment, includi…
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that have the ability to inhibit, suppress, and prevent the occurrence of oxidation chains that can produce free radicals. Uncontrolled free radicals can cause c…
The increase in the production value of sembilang fish and mackerel in South Sumatra is assumed to also increase the volume of waste from the fish, one of which is bone that negatively impacts the …
The coastal environment is a very dynamic environment. Shoreline changes is one form of dynamics of the coastal environment. Shoreline changes is a continuous process through various natural proces…
The horseshoe crab is currently classified as a protected animal in Indonesia. The Banyuasin coast is one of the locations for the distribution of horseshoe crabs in Indonesia. Knowledge about the …
The Fish Landing Base (PPI) Ketapang is planned to be developed into the Coastal Fishing Port (PPP) Ketapang to support the Ketapang District as a minapolitan area. However, land suitability analys…
Sediments contain abundant populations of microorganisms with high diversity. Sediment and soil represent the most complex habitats of microorganisms on earth. One of the factors that support a goo…
Lamun (Enhalus acoroides) memiliki peranan penting bagi kehidupan di laut, sebagai produsen primer serta penyusun habitat dan ekosistem yang menyangga kehidupan bagi ekosistem sekitarnya. Gen pengk…
Payung Island is one of the small islands in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, precisely located in the transition area between the Musi River and the Bangka Strait. The Musi River is classified as…
Avicennia marina and Excoecaria agallocha are 2 species of mangrove that are abundant on the coast of South Sumatra, the leaves of both have secondary metabolites that are toxic and have the potent…
Coral reefs are an essential ecosystem because coral reefs can be a place for various biota to spawn, grow, and breed. Coral reefs are also an endangered ecosystem that are caused by nature and hum…
Conservation is one solution to preserve the horseshoe crab, which has been categorized as an endangered biota. With DNA barcode, horseshoe crab can be conserved based on its species. This study ai…
Bakauheni Port is one of the national ports that serves crossing transportation between the islands of Java and Sumatra. One of the conditions that affect port operations is oceanographic condition…
Kelagian Island is an island that is often visited by people both for fishing activities and tourist attraction, the water around the island can cause damage to coral ecosystems, one of the example…
Indonesian waters are tropical waters that have high fishery resources, one of which is shark. Sharks are the top level consumers in marine ecosystems that are threatened because of their high econ…
The waters of the Way Belau River Estuary are one of the rivers that empties into Lampung Bay. Utilization of the waters of the Way Belau Estuary for various activities has the potential to cause h…
Zooplankton has an important role in waters such as influencing the food chain. Zooplankton serves as an indicator of the quality of a waters. Zooplankton has living conditions that are very closel…
The coastal area is a meeting place for land and sea and provides a good type of substrate for the growth of mangroves. The use of mangrove land has been carried out by coastal communities to meet …