This study aims to describe the Role of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in Sea Turtle Conservation Efforts in Indonesia in 2017-2022. The reduction in the number of sea turtles due to various …
Violations of human rights experienced by many women are diverse, including discrimination or injustice. Female sex workers are also very vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking and vic…
Birds of Paradise have decreased in population, it can threaten these species to become extinct animals in Indonesia. The population decline is caused by several things, such as illegal hunting, an…
Judul penelitian ini adalah Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Mengatasi Permasalahan WNI Eks ISIS di Suriah. Hal ini berawal dari permasalahan yang dihadapi Pemerintah Indonesia pasca ISIS berha…
The Role From Public Relation of Educational Institutions in Having Relalionship With Media. Communication Study Essay of Social and Political Science Faculty of Sriwijaua University This study exa…
The value chain describes the complete range of activities that companies and workers perform to bring a product from conception to final use and beyond. Global Value Chain participation is one of …
This study discusses the Indonesian government's strategy in encouraging the development of the mobile phone industry and its implementation. This study aims to see how the strategies carried out b…
Penelitian ini membahas kepatuhan Indonesia terhadap Asean Framework Agreement on Services, studi kasus liberalisasi jasa keuangan. Indonesia telah meratifikasi AFAS dan merupakan bagian darinya. I…
Human rights violations are violations that often occur in several countries, one of which is Afghanistan. This research aims to find out how the efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner of …
This study aims to look at and analyze Indonesia's factors in responding to the Proposal for Regulations from the European Union (EU Waste Shipment Regulation Proposal) regarding the fulfillment of…
Popular culture is considered as the identity of a country that can be used to be soft power in conducting public diplomacy in order to achieve national interests. Japan is one of the countries tha…
In an effort to develop national Industry and economy alongside improvement of state technological development level thus the government realize the need to attract investor to help implement those…
The Indonesian government is making serious efforts to improve Indonesia's defense industry in various ways. Diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Turkey have been officially opened since 1950…
This research examines how Japan's State Strategy in increasing foreign tourist arrivals. A country where in 2012 Japan was hit by a devastating natural disaster which caused a decline in tourism w…
Child abuse is a problem that must be addressed, one of its forms is child sexual exploitation. The development of ICT and easy access to the Internet have increased acts of child sexual exploitati…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas mengenai implementasi prinsip fair trade oleh The Body Shop terhadap produk cocoa butter di Ghana Selatan. Penelitian ini mengggunakan konsep efektivitas rez…
Cultural Diplomacy is the state's effort to fight for its national interests through culture such as education, sports, science, and the arts like what has been done by South Korea. One of the ways…
The purpose of this study is to examine relevant writing regarding the Opportunities and Challenges of Interpol Indonesia in Operation Interpol 30 Days At Sea 3.0 in the Bintan Islands and Batam In…
The United States' foreign policy towards the Iran nuclear issue changed drastically during the transition from President Barack Obama's administration to the administration of President Donald Tru…
Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Peran Hubungan Masyarakat PT Pegadaian Kanwil III Palembang Dalam Pelaksanaan Corporate Social Responsibility Melalui Program The Gade Clean And Gold Bank Sampah…
This research purpose to see what the interests of the United States are for Indonesia in the Multilateral Covax Facilities program during the Covid-19 pandemic. In facing the Covid-19 pandemic whi…
Terrorism is a very sensitive phenomenon, for it can have an enormous impact on the world's politics. Furthermore, it includes transnational crime and is classified as a credible threat to collecti…
Indonesia is one of the countries that are active in export-import activities. Through these activities, some illegally imported goods enter Indonesia, posing a threat to the country's economy and …
Indonesia is one of the countries that face many securities problems. One of them is regarding the smuggling of baby lobster exports, which is quite high in Indonesia. In dealing with this smugglin…
The Southeast Asian region is considered to be one of the areas that has a loose borders and limited of government control, so it is often used as a target of terrorism. Indonesia as a country in S…
This study aims to determine the UK’s rational choice in terminating the 5G development project cooperation with Huawei. Huawei is one of the best telecomunications companies with the most patent…
Bali is still very dominant in the Indonesian tourism sector. The opening of Bali for the development of mass tourism has unintended consequences in the form of environmental damage. This has made …
The issue of problems that occur in Indonesia related to forest fires is an event that causes smog that interferes with sight, breathing and looking for the environment. Forest fires occurred in In…
The problem of deforestation is a serious problem because it can have an impact on increasing carbon emissions. Indonesia is one of the countries experiencing carbon emission problems due to defore…
In early 2022, China drew attention to the successful implementation of its central bank digital currency named e-CNY in domestic and cross-border pilot programs. The Chinese government has banned …