ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) menilai ketaatan atas prosedur penyaluran Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) mikro pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kantor Unit Simpang Lima Prundam Palembang yang te…
This study examined the significant effects of raotivation, social responsibility, dedication of profession, peer relations profession, profession of faith and selfreliance to audit quality. The ma…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh mekanisme tata kelola dan pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan baik secara parsial maupun simultan. D…
Going concern opinion accepted by a company represents the condition and events which arises auditor’s hesitation of the company’s going concern. Going concern audit opinion can be used as earl…
One of qualitative characteristics of Financial reporting is relevant, its manifestation can be seen from the timeliness of reporting. Timeliness could be judged from the audit report lag, which is…
The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of recruitment and training program applied by PT.Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang based on the theory of effectiveness employee recruitment an…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai sejauh mana tingkat efektivitas fungsi sumber daya manusia serta memberikan saran dan rekomendasi atas berbagai kelemahan yang ditemukan. Aktivitas sumber day…
PT Bank Mandiri Tbk KCP Sako Kenten Palembang adalah salah satu BUMN yang bergerak di bidang keuangan. Berdasarkan laporan hasil audit operasional, permasalahan yang dihadapi Bank Mandiri KCP Sako …
The auditor in carrying out his duties, the output produced is very important, namely the audit report. However, when conducting an audit, there is a possibility that an audit failure will occur. T…
This study aims to see the negative effect obtained by earnings management on the existence of a board of commissioners that has no correlation with finances, a board whose task is to carry out the…
This study aimed to determine the effect of: (1) Company Size On Audit Quality, (2) Long Time For Audit Completion On Audit Quality, (3) Audit Comitte on Audit Quality. The type of data used in thi…
This study aims to determine the effect of the audit delay, management turnover, and auditor’s reputation on voluntary auditor switching in financial companies listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange…
This study discusses the Influence of the Audit Committee, Board of Commissioners, Profitability on FEE Audit. The scope used is the companies listed in LQ 45 listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti empiris dan menguji pengaruh dari Kompetensi, Akuntabilitas, dan Independensi Auditor terhadap Kualitas Audit. Populasi dan sampel dari penelitian i…
This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of the human resource function and provide suggestions and recommendations from the findings of weaknesses founded in the CV. Minerba Consultama. Human …
Audit delay adalah rentang waktu penyelesaian audit laporan keuangan tahunan, diukur berdasarkan lamanya hari yang dibutuhkan untuk memperoleh laporan auditor independen atas audit laporan keuangan…
The objective of this research is to determine whether Dipenda Kabupaten OKI has economically, efficiently, and effectively worked. Research finding has shown that the overall performance of Dipend…
This study aims to of determine the influence of profitability, capital intensity, and leverage on effective tax rate of manufacturing company cosmetics sub sector and household needs listed on Ind…
This study aims to examine the effect of audit committee characteristics and the audit quality of fraudulent financial reporting. Audit committee’s characteristics examined by independent audit c…
This study aims to examine the effect of time budget pressure, compliance pressure and auditor experience on audit considerations with job stress as a mediating variable. The population in this stu…
This research aims to determine how the ilfuence of the islamicity performance index (IPI) variable on conventional profitability variables (ROA and BOPO), and shariah profitability variables (AT a…
This study aims to measure and provide empirical evidence regarding the effect of time bugdet pressure, error risk, audit complexity on audit quality. Respondents in this study are auditors who wor…
This study aims to the role of internal audit and the capasity of regional human resource organization on the quality of financial statemnet at the regional government (emprical study of empat lawa…
This study aims to determine empirically the influencer of audit committee, audit quality, profitability and leverage on earnings management. Audit committee measured by the frequency of audit comm…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengalaman auditor, pengetahuan auditor, tekanan ketaatan dan kompleksitas tugas terhadap audit judgment. Jenis penelitian yaitu asosiatif. Data yan…
The objectives of this research are to recognize the procedure of risk° based internal audit which is implemented at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Persero) and to find out the impact of implementing risk …