The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the effects of audit delays, audit committee changes, and audit opinions on switching auditors on companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Excha…
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the human resource function at PT Sriwijaya Bangkit Energi in order to identify the shortcomings and weaknesses in the management and implementation o…
Salah satu unsur yang paling penting untuk menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang baik dan relevan adalah ketepatan waktu. Adanya kewajiban perusahaan untuk melaporkan laporan keuangan auditnya secra t…
Whistle blowing merupakan tindakan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang atau beberapa karyawan di perusahaan atau instansi pemerintah untuk mengungkapkan kecurangan yang terjadi diperusahaan tersebut. pen…
This research aims to analyze the influence of Audit Tenure, KAP Status, Previous Year's Audit Opinion, Company Size, Liquidity and Corporate Value on Audit Opinion Going Concern. The data on this …
The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the influence of audit delay, auditor reputation and audit committee on audit quality in banking companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange…
This purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of audit tenure, firm size and audit delay on audit quality as measured by a dummy variable on IDX-30 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock …
A financial statement that is already approved by an auditor would be likely more appealing for the stakeholders to take needed measures. An auditor has an obligation to evaluate a company in their…
This study aims to examine about International Financial Report Standard (IFRS) convergence and accounting quality in Indonesia. The researcher uses the Go-Public Investment Company as its research…
This research aims to test whether the size of the company, profitability, and competence of audit committee affect audit delays in the trading sector companies using a sample of trading sector com…
This study entitled "Compliance Audit for Tax Examination Procedure in the Office of Tax Service Madya palembang" which aims to 1) understand how the internal control over Tax Examination Procedure…
This research was conducted at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) unit Kebun Bunga Palembang. This study aims to find out how the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) relating to the implementation of …
This research examines the relationship factors into consideration auditing in detecting fraudulent financial reporing. Its analyst is based on respondent ’s answers obtained from 4 banks in Pale…
To achieve competitive advantage, every company is required to continuously improve and effectivity and efficiency. The achievement of effectivity and efficiency can be done with supervision and in…
This research aims to acquire empirical evidence concerning the effect of the characteristics of the audit committee of the quality of financial reporting. This is the entire research population ma…
This research examines about the influence of audit delay from any variable on manufactur company that list on BEi. This research used 5 independen variable: company size, profitabilitas, solvabili…
This study aims to find out how the internal control is adopted in musyarakah financing and to test the effectiveness of internal control systems in the process of musyarakah financing in Bank Sums…
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of State's Property Management at Sriwijaya University. Sriwijaya University selected as the research object because at Sriwijaya University is a Publ…
Penelitian ini berjudul "Analisis Pengendalian Intern Prosedur Kredit Dalam Mencegah Faktor Penyebab Kredit Macet Kredit Pemilikan Rumah Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Palembang".Penelitian ini ber…
This research tittled "The Influence of Management Audit Role of Human Resource Fungtion to Improve Employee's Effectivenss in PT PLN (Persero) South Sumatera Region" which purpose to determine inf…
Audit operasional atas fungsi produksi merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dalam produksi perusahaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa mengena…
The purpose of this study were (I) to evaluate the internal control structure at the PT. Kereta Api (Persero) Division III South Sumatra, and (2) to discuss the effectiveness of internal control in…
Opini audit laporan keuangan adalah salah satu pertimbangan yang penting bagi investor dalam menentukan keputusan berinvestasi. Dalam suatu opini audit laporan keuangan yang baik (i\mqualified op…
Penelitian ini bertujuan I) Untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengendalian atas administrasi keamanan dan operasi komputer yang dimiliki oleh CV. Bintang Oyasha dalam melindungi data-data perusahaan pad…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh anaan audit lingkungan di PT. Remco. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam'penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis. Metode deskriptif analis…