This research was conducted in January–May 2021 in Plants at Unsri Experimental Garden, Village III, Gelumbang Village, Gelumbang District, Muara Enim Regency. This study used an intensive level …
Lebak swamp lands are swamps on the left and right sides of large rivers and their tributaries, with a flat topography, flooded during the rainy season, and dry during the dry season. Irrigation is…
Ultisol is a ordo of soil that is widely used for plant cultivation, one of which is chili plants. However, Ultisol has problems with infertile soil conditions ranging from soil reaction (pH) Ultis…
Soil texture is the relative ratio between sand, silt and clay particles in a soil mass expressed in percent. Soil texture is an important physical property of the soil because it can affect the ab…
Edamame plant (Glycine max (L.) Merril) is a legume plant originating from Japan which is usually made for sake drinks. Edamame has a higher selling price than ordinary soybeans. Edamame cultivatio…
Soil is a medium for receiving heavy metals. If the heavy metal content in the soil exceeds the threshold, the presence of these heavy metals will cause soil pollution and endanger human and animal…
Pakcoy or commonly called spoon mustardis a plant that is much favored by the surrounding community. In addition to its easy cultivation process, pakcoy can also be cultivated through hydroponic me…
This study aims to determine the status of soil fertility and to know the recommendations for N, P, K fertilization in oil palm cultivation in Lahat District, Lahat Regency. This study uses a surve…
One of the plantation commodities that has an important role is rubber. Rubber plants need good care to keep producing optimally. The lack of plant sanitation activities as well as the inappropriat…
Sweet corn is one of the important food commodities in Indonesia. Sweet corn has various uses as well as can be used as a processed material in the manufacture of cornstarch and animal feed. Sweet …
Soil tillage is an activity that cannot be avoided in plant cultivation. The selection of an improper tillage system can have a negative impact on the properties of the soil so that it is damaged. …
Pakcoy is a vegetable plant that often cultivated because pakcoy is a short-lived plant. Biofertilizer is the type of fertilizer that can meet the nutrient needs of plants if applied in the right d…
The carbon contained in plant biomass is the result of propagation through the process of photosynthesis. The amount of carbon stored in biomass in a land varies depending on the age and type of pl…
Sorghum is a cereals food which can grow on marginal land and fit planted on dry or warm land. The purpose of this study is to find out the influence vermicompost, dolomite, combination of vermicom…
Problems that are often faced in lowland swamp land are low soil fertility in the form of soil acidity and poor nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so efforts are needed to increa…
Embacang Kelekar Village is one of the villages in Kelekar Subdistrict which has changes in land use from rubber land to pineapple land. Changes in land use are driven by reduced productivity and a…
Sorgum plant is a food substitute plant other than rice which has the main energy for food in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the effect of organic cow manure and dolomite on pH, NPK soil a…
Soil organic matter is an important basic part of soil fertility, land productivity and land quality. Even in sustainable agriculture, soil C-Organic is a soil property that is used as an indicator…
Kompos merupakan alternatif pupuk organik yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi dampak yang diakibatkan dari penggunaan berlebihan pupuk anorganik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat memberika…
The purpose of this research is to study the effect of canal blocking on the dynamics of water level in channels, land and also its relation to rainfall and water content in peatland in order to pr…
This study aimed to determine the physic quality of compost (smell, water content, temperature, color and compos particle size). Compost is the remaining organic material from plants, animals, and …
The utilization of peat has a high risk because the peat is very susceptible to degradation and fire. Soil macrofauna has a very important role, there are maintaining soil fertility through changin…
Nowadays herbaceous pepper plant is one of the spices plants which is an important accommodation for world trade. Herbaceous pepper plants have high economic value, pepper plants bear fruit at the …
This study aimed to study the differences in the effectiveness of the administration of PSOC and Biostimulants on the growth rate and production of red chili plants and their effect on pH and plant…
Pemanfaatan Ultisol sebagai media tanam dalam pertanian mempunyai berbagai kendala seperti tingkat kemasaman, bahan organik yang rendah, serta sangat peka terhadap erosi. Upaya yang dapat diberikan…
Ultisol memiliki sebaran yang cukup luas di Indonesia yaitu sekitar 25% dari luas daratan Indonesia. Pemanfaatan tanah ultisol untuk budidaya tanaman terkendala karena memiliki kesuburan yang renda…
Salah satu solusi dari pemantauan kawasan vegetasi ialah dengan penginderaan jarak jauh dengan menggunakan metode NDVI. Selain itu, NDVI dinyatakan sensitif terhadap aktivitas fotosintesis oleh klo…
Lahan rawa pasang surut di Indonesia mencapai 20,13 juta hektar. Sehingga memiliki potensi yang luas untuk dimanfaatkan terutama dalam bidang pertanian. Dalam pengelolaan lahan rawa pasang surut da…
Ultisol memiliki karakteristik berupa pH tanah yang rendah, ketersediaan unsur hara yang sedikit, tingginya kejenuhan alumunium dan aktivitas mikroba dalam tanah yang rendah. Salah satu cara untuk …
Ultisol is an infertile soil characterized by low soil fertility, high soil acidity. Ultisol have cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation (KB), high aluminum content (Al saturation), low or…