Macrozoobenthos is one of the biotic components that is able to provide an overview regarding the condition and quality of a waters. The abundance and community structure of macrozoobenthos be affe…
Perairan Teluk Lampung yang terletak di pantai bagian selatan dari provinsi Lampung dan berhadapan dengan Selat Sunda, memiliki ekosistem lamun di sepanjang perairan pesisirnya. Ekosistem lamun seb…
Habitat bentik perairan laut dangkal seperti ekosistem terumbu karang dan ekosistem lamun, alga dengan tipe substrat seperti pasir, lumpur, dan pecahan karang merupakan tempat hidup dari berbagai j…
Research on the Selectivity of Drifting Gill Net Fishing Equipment Against Croacker in Sungsang and Payung Island Waters, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province in December 2022-January 2023. Th…
The number of antioxidant activity test methods can provide diverse test results. Commonly used methods include DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP methods. The study was conducted in September-December 2022 usin…
The horseshoe crab, which has a lengthy lifespan, is sometimes referred to as Mimi or Belangkas. This kind of animal is protected in Indonesia. One method for preserving these species from extincti…
Water quality is a characteristic of water that characterizes the condition of water that can still be used with the provisions of water quality standards. The waters of Sungai Lumpur are a coastal…
Penginderaan jauh merupakan suatu teknik yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk pengamatan parameter oseanografi perairan seperti suhu permukaan laut baik secara spasial maupun temporal. Penelitian ini ber…
Penelitian tentang pengaruh jenis pakan buatan dan alami terhadap pertumbuhan dan daya tahan Larva Ikan Badut (Amphiprion percula) telah dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Perikanan Budidaya Laut Lampung …
Plankton are organisms that play a role in the food chain in waters. Increasing activities in the waters of Sungai Lumpur Estuary can have an impact on the presence of plankton. This study aimed to…
Utilization of the bay area for marine cultivation is important, especially seaweed cultivation. The waters of Tangkil Island, located in Lampung Province are one of the locations having the potent…
White snapper (Lates Calcarifer) is one of the leading commodities and has high economic value in Indonesia. It is feared that the high market demand could lead to overfishing of white snapper in t…
Nitrat merupakan suatu senyawa yang berperan sebagai nitrogen utama di perairan. Nitrat berguna untuk mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan hidup organisme. Senyawa nitrat berasal dari proses pela…
The biological resources produced by the Indonesian sea are very abundant. White snapper (L. calcarifer) is one of the leading marine commodities in Indonesia fisheries which are now very difficult…
Coastal Lampung is an area that is used by people living around it as settlements, ports, aquaculture, fisheries and tourism. The coast of Lampung is estimated to have experienced changes in coastl…
Marga Punduh Subdistrict is a subdistrict located in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Marga Punduh sub-district is one of the mangrove distribution areas in Lampung Province. Macrozoobenthos is…
Sembilang National Park area has resources of blood clams (Anadara granosa). Catching Anadara granosa is done traditionally by using hands at low tide. To maintain shellfish resources, it is necess…
Fishery resource management can be improved by conducting an assessment of the Fishing Potential Ground (FPG) as the main basic step for Indonesian fisheries management. Based on the Minister of Ma…
Indonesia dalam sektor perikanan mempunyai potensi hasil perikanan yang cukup besar, baik itu dari perikanan hasil tangkapan, budidaya dan lainnya. Sektor perikanan juga menyerap banyak tenaga kerj…
Sembilang National Park is a unique area because it is a conservation area and there are many rivers that flow into various areas. Stock estimation in Sembilang National Park was carried out to see…
Problems in the environment regarding the problem of plastic waste are often a concern in water areas. The Musi River, which is located in South Sumatra Province, has a lot of community activities …
Musi River is the longest water flow located on the island of Sumatra with a length of 720 km. The potential flow of the Musi River is used as a transportation route, as a final disposal of communi…
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that can protect body cells from damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants based on the source are divided into two, namely natural antioxidants derived from …
Payung Island is an island located at the mouth of the Musi River, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Payung Island acts as a spawning, nurturing and foraging area for the surrounding aquat…