This study discusses Disaster Management after Environmental Damage Due to Coal Haul Road Activities and Station Activities by PT. ROYALTAMA MULIA KENCANA, then analyzed using the theory of Disaste…
This research was conducted at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Palembang City. The purpose of this study was to find out the evaluation of the Complete Your Prayers program w…
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “Analisis Implementasi Strategi Peningkatan Anggaran Belanja Di Bagian Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (Studi Kasus Di Dinas Penanaman Modal Dan Pelayanan Terpadu Sat…
This research aims to determine the factors that affect the ineffectiveness of absorption of the capital expenditure budget for road maintenance in the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of P…
This study aims to find out the strategy formulation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum at SMAN 10 Kota Palembang. The research s…
This study examines the Evaluation of Market Waste Transport Activities in Sarolangun Regency, Jambi Province in 2019. Problem in this study is the lack of operational facilities and infrastructure…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektifitas Kegiatan Gerakan Sholat Subuh Berjamaah di Kecamatan Kertapati Kota Palembang Tahun 2019. Efektivitas Kegiatan Gerakan Sholat Subuh Berjamaah d…
The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the Leadership Role of the Head of the National Unity and Politics Agency as well as leadership obstacles based on Henry Mintzberg's th…
This study aims to determine and describe the performance of the budget for health maintenance and recovery activities at the Jambi Provincial Mental Hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. …
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan strategi penerapan E-goverment dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik melalui aplikasi Sidemang oleh kominfo dan juga me…
This research is motivated by the provision of green open space above the riverbank, namely Sekanak Lambidaro Park as the main activity in the restoration of the Sekanak Lambidaro river. However, i…
Regional income from market levies (market levies) in South Bengkulu Regency, to be precise at Ampera Market, has decreased. This is due to unmanaged market conditions, stemming from a poor governa…
Program Evaluation is a benchmark in measuring the level of program success. This study aims to determine the Evaluation of the Child Identity Card (KIA) Program at the Office of Population and Civ…
Background: Flood disaster is one of the disasters that often occurs in Palembang City. Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran dan Penanggulangan Bencana Kota Palembang e (DPK-PB) is a government agency that has …
This study discusses the Institutional Strengthening of Village Consultative Bodies (BPD) in the implementation of Musrenbangdes in the Independent Integrated City of Sungai Rambutan Ogan Ilir Vill…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk bagaimana strategi yang diterapkan dan strategi yang bagimana yang dapat diterapkan di Sekretariat Daerah Kota Palembang berdasarkan metode skenario perencanaan denga…
This study aims to find out what are the quality education indicators used by several countries and what are the indicators with the largest proportion in supporting sustainable development goals. …
The problem that is becoming a concern for the community loday is the role of a company towards the surrounding environment, both internal and external environment. Education itself is consiered as…
This research is entitled "Camat leadership strategy in improving employee performance (Case Study in the Tanjung Batu District Office, Ogan Ilir Regency). The background of this research is the pr…
Organizational performance is the level of the organization's ability to carry out its duties and responsibilities in accordance with the planning set to be able to meet the goals, objectives, visi…
The purpose of this study is to analyze value for money in the construction of deep wells in the south sumatera province environment and Land Service for the 2018 fiscal year. this type of research…
This study is entitled "The Effect of Workload on Turnover Intention with Burnout as an Intervening Variable (Study on Pegawai Pemerintah Non Pegawai Negeri DISDUKCAPIL Palembang City)". This resea…
This study examines the optimization of filing management at the Regional Human Resource Development Board of South Sumatra Province. This study identified three aspects of the filing process. The …
The background of this research is that one of the government's efforts to improve the quality of the performance of civil servants is by increasing the welfare of their employees. The South Sumatr…
Inspectorate is an element of internal supervision of the administration of Regional Government and is led by an Inspector. As an agency that carries out internal government oversight, all employee…
This research aims to evaluate the environmental feasibility of the restoration management of Sekanak and Lambidaro Rivers conducted by the Department of Environment and Sanitation of Palembang Cit…
The purpose of this research is to find out and be able to describe how the village and urban village competition program is managed based on the theory of Stephen P. Robbins and Mary Coulter. This…
The study discusses the Network of Actor in the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program for Physical Disabilities in Muara Enim based on the Actor Network Theory from Michel Callon, including Prob…
This study discusses the Claim Procedure for the Work Accident Insurance Program (JKK) at the Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) Manpower Muara Enim Branch in accordance with Government Regu…