An insulator or insulation is a material characteristics that is capable of detonating two or more cpnductors that are spaced next to each other to prevent leakage currents or short circuits. One o…
Renewable energy is an option for the development of all existing resources that make energy environmentally friendly. The utilization of existing resources is very important to support the increas…
This research aims to determine Japan's ODA (Official Development Assistant) policy on the construction of the Jakarta MRT in the master plan of railway development in Indonesia, namely National Ra…
Sungai memberikan peranan yang sangat besar bagi perkembangan peradaban manusia di seluruh dunia, antara lain sebagai sumber air minum untuk kebutuhan utama bagi kehidupan manusia, irigasi untuk ke…
Telah di lakukan penelitian mengenai identifikasi prospek air tanah menggunakan metode resistivitas konfigurasi Schlumberger di Desa Panoban, Kecamatan Batang Asam dan Desa Tungkal I, Kecamatan Tun…
Tanjung Pinang Village is one of 21 villages in the Tanjung Batu sub-district which is located 7 km to the east of Tanjung Batu sub-district and has an area of more than 786,065 hectares. Thi…
Exergy analysis is the first step in optimizing a system by knowing the level of efficiency and the irreversibility value of a component, involving the first law and second law of thermodynamics so…
Vehicles are the main sector that is a supporting factor for the growth of the economy in a country. As the number of vehicles increases, the amount of fossil energy used will also increase. The wa…
Total intervertebral disc replacement using prosthesis is one of treatments for degenerative intervertebral disc. This prosthesis must accommodate loads from the lumbar spine. This research perform…
An electric boat is a means of transportation that is designed to use electrical energy as fuel by using a Solar Power Generation system that replaces fuel oil like most boats in general. The desig…
This research discuss design of a fast reactor core with S-CO2 as a coolant and natural metallic uranium as a fuel, which can operate for a long time (long-time reactor). Method composing ingredien…
The landfill Sukawinatan in Sukajaya Village, Sukarame Palembang District applies waste processing with an open dumping. The open dumping is the treatment of waste that is simply thrown away withou…
Perkembangan yang pesat selama dua abad terakhir adalah perkembangan yang luar biasa secara materiil maupun spirituil. Salah satu ciri utama perkembangan itu adalah pendayagunaan sumberdaya alam du…
This study aims to produce a solar electric boat that produces a propulsion system that uses solar panels, with several combinations of other electronic components. The design of the prototype sola…
Telah dilakukan fabrikasi baterai ion lithium dengan bahan baku anoda Lithium Titanium Oxide (Li4Ti5O12). Bahan aktif LTO doping Al0,03 disintesis menggunakan metode sol gel dengan disintering 850o…
ABSTRAK Penelitian analisis morfologi terhadap potensi pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro dilakukan pada pada hulu sungai Batang Anai daerah Singgalang dan sekitarnya Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumat…
This full cell lithium ion battery is made with Na2Li2Ti6O14 as anode and LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 as cathode. Lithium ion battery is a secondary battery that can be recharged (rechargeable battery), ha…
The electric power system basically aims to distribute electricity from the generator to the consumer and of course it needs to be designed in such a way so that it can operate properly. For this r…
Energy has become important for human survival because energy and life have a close correlation. Then renewable energy needs to be created to meet the growing energy needs. Given these conditions, …
Power plants using renewable energy as an alternative to fossil-based power plants using an axial flux permanent magnet generator are considered suitable and more effective to generate electrical e…
Energy needs are increasing from time to time. People really need electricity for personal use, household activities, education, office activities and companies. Hydroelectric power plant is one of…
The use of solar energy as electrical energy with Solar Power Plants (PLTS) is very necessary because the amount of electrical energy demand in Indonesia tends to increase. Solar Power Plants (PLTS…
The activity of using electricity will continue to increase, this is related to the level of development and the increasing number of residents in an area or region. One of the efforts made in meet…