Ketapang is a sub-district located in the East Coast of South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. This area is included as one of the widest mangrove areas in Lampung Province. The role of the mangr…
Kalianda District is a sub-district in South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. Merak Belantung Village, Kalianda District, South Lampung Regency is a village located in a coastal area. As a strate…
Macrozoobenthos have a preference for certain substrates that suit their living needs and ecological functions. Grain size can affect the physical and chemical properties of an aquatic habitat, Sem…
The estuary of the Musi River is strongly influenced by various activities on land such as the amount of waste from industry, one of which is ammonia pollution. The presence of ammonia in an ecosys…
Perairan Banyuasin merupakan perairan produktif, menghasilkan komoditas perikanan tangkap dengan biodiversitas sumberdaya perikanan yang beragam dan mencapai angka 80.007 ton pada tahun 2019-2021 (…
Maspari Island waters have high dynamics because they are influenced by the mixing of fresh water and seawater, which can affect the presence of phytoplankton in the waters. This study aimed to ana…
Maspari island waters have a high level of dynamics, chiefly resulting in a mixture of freshwater masses from the southern Sumatra mainland and constant seawater, which affects the existence of zoo…
Seaweed is filtered based on the chemical compounds it contains, so that it is known as carrageenan-producing seaweed (carrageenophyte). E. spinosum seaweed is a type of carrageenan-producing seawe…
Pathogenic bacteria are diseasecausing microorganisms that can infect fish and can cause mass mortality in cultured fish. This study aims to obtain and classify isolates of pathogenic bacteria from…
Sunlight cannot properly enter the water if it is blocked by the presence of suspended particles. The presence of suspended particles is closely related to input from land and phytoplankton abundan…
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) have a significant role in determining water quality. Remote sensing is considered efficent method determine the TSS concentration value in the waters. The purpose of t…
Phosphate is one of the essential components for marine life. The decomposition of phosphate in the water can affect water fertility and quality. Pore water is trapped sea water in the pores of mar…
Mangrove ecosystems have many benefits for life directly or indirectly. The high dependence of coastal communities in fulfilling various economic interests causes damage to mangrove ecosystems, so …
White snapper (Lates calcarifer) is a fish with growth relatively fast and has a high tolerance to environmental changes. The content of active compounds in red ginger (Zingiber offcinale) can incr…
K. alvarezii is a marine product commodity that has high economic value. The aim of this study was to perform tissue culture on K. alvarezii. The research method was carried out experimentally and …
Batang River is a productive area in producing capture fisheries commodities, with mangrove ecosystems that are still natural without degraded by ponds. This study was conducted with the aim of ana…
ERSA RAHMALIANI. 08051381924089. Karakteristik Habitat Peneluran Penyu Sisik (Eretmochelys imbricata) dan Penyu Hijau (Chelonia mydas) di Taman Nasional Kepulauan Seribu, Provinsi DKI Jakarta (Pemb…
Mangrove Munjang merupakan kawasan objek wisata terdapat di Kurau Barat yang memiliki luas 30 ha dan sudah berhasil dikelola masyarakat setempat dari luas total sekitar 213 ha ditetapkan sebagai de…
One of the constituent components of organic matter in the waters is phosphate and nitrate. Sediment is a place for the accumulation of various chemical compounds, including organic carbon, phospha…
Sampah plastik adalah sampah yang dihasilkan dari aktivitas manusia yang nantinya akan berakhir ke lingkungan perairan. Sampah plastik saat ini telah menjadi jenis sampah laut yang mendominasi pera…
Perikanan tangkap merupakan salah satu sektor andalan di Indonesia yang mampu memberikan dampak ekonomi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis tingkat penerimaan, biaya op…
Berbagai aktivitas masyarakat yang menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya pencemaran plastik hingga terdegredasi menjadi mikroplastik. Mikroplastik yang masuk kedalam perairan akan menyebar ke badan air…
South Bangka waters have the potential for seagrass bed with large ecological function. The diversity of seagrass is affected by the type of substrate. Human activities such as tin mining, fishing …
Lampung is one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia which is located on the island of Sumatra. Various activities such as aquaculture and the increasing number of tourists every year have an im…
Muara Musi merupakan perairan yang mengalami proses sedimentasi cukup tinggi karena menjadi muara berbagai sungai yang membawa material sedimen. Pengendapan sedimen yang terjadi akan berpengaruh te…
Keberadaan lamun dapat terganggu oleh faktor alam dan manusia, seperti fenomena El Nino yang mempengaruhi SPL. Suhu merupakan indikator pertumbuhan lamun. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2015, 2018…
Research on the effect of feeding pellets enriched with squid oil at different doses on the growth rate of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) seeds has been carried out at the Lampung Marine…
The coast of Ketapang, South Lampung is a sloping coastal area with the potential for sedimentation. Several hydro-oseanographic factors such as currents, tides and ocean waves are thought to trigg…
Ikan Badut (Amphiprion percula) termasuk satu dari sekian komoditas favorit penggemar ikan hias di Indonesia. Tingginya permintaan pasar dapat menimbulkan potensi ekploitasi yang berujung pada kepu…
Turbinaria type of seaweed is used in the fields of medicine, microbiology, enzymology, and ecotoxicology such as antioxidants. T. decurrens and T. ornata Seaweeds is capable to live in tropical an…